Author Topic: Server Currency v3 - Banking and Payrolls  (Read 3665 times)



+ Cash Stack, Cash Pile, and Gold Bar Item
+ Wallet and Briefcase Items for tossing cash
+ Admin commands for changing prefs without RTB
+ Events for modifying player currency
+ Player Persistence Support
+ VCE Compatibility
+ RTB Prefs included
+ Bank and Payroll Extensions

Commands used for display help and changing currency prefs

/cashHelp - Open the cash help GUI
/checkCash - Displays on-hand cash
/cashGive [str] [int] - Give a player some of your cash
*/adminCash- Open admin cash GUI
*/cashGrant [str] [int] - grant a player cash
*/toggleCashDisplay- Toggle drop shape names
*/setStartCash [int] - Sets the starting currency
*/setCashName [str] - Sets the currency name
*/setCashSign [str] - Sets the currency symbol
*/setStackWorth [int] - Sets the worth of cash stacks
*/setPileWorth [int] - Sets the worth of cash piles
*/setGoldWorth [int] - Sets the worth of gold bars
*/setCashDrop [int] - Amount of stacks to drop on death. -1 drops all
*/cashDecayTime [int] - Sets cash drop delete time.
*/clearCash - Clears all cash drops

Bank Extension
/withdraw - Withdraw money from your bank on the fly
/deposit - Deposit money to your bank on the fly
*/toggleFlyBanking - Allow players to use /withdraw and /deposit
*/withdrawFee - Set the withdraw fee for on the fly banking
*/depositFee - Set the deposit fee for on the fly banking
*/bankSetAll - Set everyones bank amount
*/bankAddAll - Add to everyones bank account

Payroll Extension
/toggleDD - Toggle between allowing your payroll to direct deposit into your bank or wallet
*/enableDD - Allow players to use /toggleDD or not
*/forceDD - Force all players to have their payroll direct deposited into their banks
*/unforceDD - Force all players to have their payroll direct deposited into their wallets


VCE_modCash [operation] [amount] - Modify client cash
VCE_modCashAll [operation] [amount] - Modify everyones cash
VCE_modBank [operation] [amount] - Modify client bank
VCE_modBankAll [operation] [amount] - Modify everyones bank
payrollMod [blid] [operation] [amount] - Modify someones payroll. If no BLID is specified the activator of the brick is used
payrollTaxMod [blid] [operation] [amount] - Modify someones payroll tax. If no BLID is specified the activator of the brick is used
payrollModAll [operation] [amount] - Modify everyones payroll
payrollTaxModAll [operation] [amount] - Modify everyones payroll tax
payrollPay [blid] - Pay someone their assigned payroll divided by tax rate. If no BLID is specified the activator of the brick is used
payRollPayAll - Pay everyone in the server their assigned payroll divided by tax rate

*NOTE: These events are not admin only! Please use restricted events!

Enabling Support_PlayerPersistence and Script_PlayerPersistence
will load the players cash when they return to the server
New players always begin with the starting cash pref
If you use VCE, you will find another unique feature:
Testing for cash with VCE_ifValue, using <var:cl:Cash>



Simple Server Cash also includes RTB server control preferences




« Last Edit: September 05, 2020, 09:48:18 PM by Goth77 »

server currency v4 next

Wow so cool... its just like robux...

Wow so cool... its just like robux...
I don't play Roblox and never have so no

« Last Edit: September 02, 2020, 10:39:46 PM by Goth77 »

Code: [Select]
Add-Ons/Item_BLCurrency/BANKING.cs Line: 54 - Syntax error.
>>> Some error context, with ## on sides of error halt:
^^^ = - %amount + $VCECASH::PREF::WITHDRAWLFEE;

^^^ = + %amount - $VCECASH::PREF::WITHDRAWLFEE;


^^else if( < %amount || %amount $= "" || %amount + 0 == 0)


^^^messageClient(%client,'',"Please specify a valid amount")



function servercmddeposit(%client,%amount)




^^if( >= %amount + $VCECASH::PREF::DEPOSITFEE)


^^^ = + %amount - $VCECASH::PREF::DEPOSITFEE;

^^^ = - %amount + $VCECASH::PREF::DEPOSITFEE;
>>> Error report complete.

withdraw is the verb, withdrawal is the noun. might want to fix that typo

cool to see such a complete cash mod with integration n stuff

i am currently withdrawling from severe cocaine dependency

Add-Ons/Item_BLCurrency/BANKING.cs Line: 54 - Syntax error.
Woops I forgot a couple semicolons

withdraw is the verb, withdrawal is the noun. might want to fix that typo
cool to see such a complete cash mod with integration n stuff
ah, right you are, thank you

hotfix has been pushed, download link updated

Do I need another addon for this to work, or something? I can't seem to use any of the commands and the items don't appear in-game even though I've enabled it.

Do I need another addon for this to work, or something? I can't seem to use any of the commands and the items don't appear in-game even though I've enabled it.
When you spawn you should get a message about the mod being enabled. If not, try re-downloading the most recent version. If that doesn't work please post your console.log