--------------------------------VERSION 3--------------------------------FEATURE$+ Cash Stack, Cash Pile, and Gold Bar Item
+ Wallet and Briefcase Items for tossing cash
+ Admin commands for changing prefs without RTB
+ Events for modifying player currency
+ Player Persistence Support
+ VCE Compatibility
+ RTB Prefs included
!NEW!+ Bank and Payroll Extensions
--------------------------------COMMAND$Commands used for display help and changing currency prefs
/cashHelp - Open the cash help GUI
/checkCash - Displays on-hand cash
/cashGive [str] [int] - Give a player some of your cash
*/adminCash- Open admin cash GUI
*/cashGrant [str] [int] - grant a player cash
*/toggleCashDisplay- Toggle drop shape names
*/setStartCash [int] - Sets the starting currency
*/setCashName [str] - Sets the currency name
*/setCashSign [str] - Sets the currency symbol
*/setStackWorth [int] - Sets the worth of cash stacks
*/setPileWorth [int] - Sets the worth of cash piles
*/setGoldWorth [int] - Sets the worth of gold bars
*/setCashDrop [int] - Amount of stacks to drop on death. -1 drops all
*/cashDecayTime [int] - Sets cash drop delete time.
*/clearCash - Clears all cash drops
!NEW!Bank Extension/withdraw - Withdraw money from your bank on the fly
/deposit - Deposit money to your bank on the fly
*/toggleFlyBanking - Allow players to use /withdraw and /deposit
*/withdrawFee - Set the withdraw fee for on the fly banking
*/depositFee - Set the deposit fee for on the fly banking
*/bankSetAll - Set everyones bank amount
*/bankAddAll - Add to everyones bank account
!NEW!Payroll Extension/toggleDD - Toggle between allowing your payroll to direct deposit into your bank or wallet
*/enableDD - Allow players to use /toggleDD or not
*/forceDD - Force all players to have their payroll direct deposited into their banks
*/unforceDD - Force all players to have their payroll direct deposited into their wallets
--------------------------------EVENT$VCE_modCash [operation] [amount] - Modify client cash
VCE_modCashAll [operation] [amount] - Modify everyones cash
VCE_modBank [operation] [amount] - Modify client bank
VCE_modBankAll [operation] [amount] - Modify everyones bank
payrollMod [blid] [operation] [amount] - Modify someones payroll. If no BLID is specified the activator of the brick is used
payrollTaxMod [blid] [operation] [amount] - Modify someones payroll tax. If no BLID is specified the activator of the brick is used
payrollModAll [operation] [amount] - Modify everyones payroll
payrollTaxModAll [operation] [amount] - Modify everyones payroll tax
payrollPay [blid] - Pay someone their assigned payroll divided by tax rate. If no BLID is specified the activator of the brick is used
payRollPayAll - Pay everyone in the server their assigned payroll divided by tax rate
*NOTE: These events are not admin only! Please use restricted events!--------------------------------PER$I$TENCEEnabling Support_PlayerPersistence and Script_PlayerPersistence
will load the players cash when they return to the server
New players always begin with the starting cash pref
--------------------------------VCE COMPATIBILITYIf you use VCE, you will find another unique feature:
Testing for cash with VCE_ifValue, using <var:cl:Cash>
EXAMPLE:--------------------------------RTB PREF$Simple Server Cash also includes RTB server control preferences
--------------------------------BETA TE$TER$Robot1232
LINK TO OLD TOPIC--------------------------------