Author Topic: king of the hill  (Read 13069 times)

I fill the crater with water, my lake

in the wake of the nuclear devastation of the once coveted hill, the survivors decide to put their selfish differences aside and found the first post-apocalyptic settlement, Hillcrater. for many decades, this settlement thrives and grows to become a major economic trading and caravan post, a pillar of hope for the other hills still under siege. this is our hill, our crater, our lake, our community. welcome to Hillcrater

you guys own the hill

I own space  and I have a patent

you guys own the hill

I own space  and I have a patent
that patent expired 15 years ago get your head outta the gutter

a strategic missile launch caushes the local atmosphere to become a brutal desert
the lake is now an oasis

The hill is now public property. Its everyone's and noone's at the same time