Author Topic: Annoying Orange TEAM IN COURT: 1 "WIN." 32 LOSSES. MASTER MATTHEW IN COMA.  (Read 9664 times)

Obviously we have no authority over unconvicted child enthusiasts though because they have not broken the law yet, but we can and should guard minor-friendly websites. Websites and services like twitter and discord allow people as young as 13 to use their platform by their TOS. In this case, child enthusiasm should be against TOS. If you don't like that idea, you should turn tail and take the 4chan approach and ban everyone under 18 instead for their own protection.

ban every minor from the internet

EDIT: @Phantos want to say that I did read your post and you raise many great points. I think we agree on much more than was initially let on.

ban every minor from the internet
This but unironically
« Last Edit: November 27, 2020, 07:35:48 PM by Crook »

i could've became a repeat offender and pursued that twisted life but i made the choice not to and i will always respect myself for that, as well as anyone else who makes that same choice themselves. it's actually the only way i was able to fully learn the weight of my actions. i don't encourage anyone to go do the same obviously because in the end any CP you watch is indirectly (or directly) supporting and incentivizing the abuse of children. on top of that my take back in 2018 was really stuffty and i neglected to say the obvious- that the child is having their human rights violated and a large portion of their development hindered. it was personally hard to empathize with that aspect early on but it took a bit of time to sink in

i already understand the mistakes i made and why and because of that i try to get others (especially people who do not understand their own mistakes) to see what i saw and make a change for themselves.
« Last Edit: November 27, 2020, 08:21:14 PM by PhantOS »

EDIT: @Phantos want to say that I did read your post and you raise many great points. I think we agree on much more than was initially let on.
i agree on everything you said as well. i definitely came from a point where i used to fantasize about killing rapists, and i know that everything i say is mostly naive idealism based on some semblance of psychology. i still strongly believe that both strategies of punishment and rehabilitation can be used in tandem to produce more effective results, but the degree of which of each we use needs some fine tuning. i also acknowledge that all of this sounds great in theory but in practice the fact remains that minors are still being abused as we speak, and doing a lot of talking doesn't necessarily help. i share a a lot of the sense of urgency and protectiveness you have

the pampers blockade will only increase as time goes on

if you're willing to hang a rapist best be prepared to hang yourself. cold-blooded murder is infinitely worse than rape

For one, it isn't cold-blooded murder. It's hot-blooded justice.

And two, no it's not. Rape has always been considered a special kind of evil. Most victims life and unlife, permanently scarred and ridden with mental illnesses.

For one, it isn't cold-blooded murder. It's hot-blooded justice.

And two, no it's not. Rape has always been considered a special kind of evil. Most victims life and unlife, permanently scarred and ridden with mental illnesses.
i see where you are coming from, but in practice, the death penalty has always just ended up killing loads of innocent people. I'd rather the sentence be life in prison, no parole, then accidentally killing one innocent person for a crime they didn't commit.

so did you actually just unironically respond to somebody admitting to ownership of child research with a meme of a children’s cartoon or are you pulling our leg here
something tells me you spend your free time stuffting your pants about politics on a dead lego forum because you’re too inadequate at picking up social cues to make meaningful relationships