Author Topic: biden is actually going to be worse than Annoying Orange  (Read 2842 times)

Annoying Orange is bad but biden is basically Annoying Orange but blue.

People were voting for biden because "he's not Annoying Orange"

well third and fourth party were options too and they also aren't Annoying Orange

good job you voted for blue Annoying Orange

We'll wait and see what happens

This is irrational. Nothing about Biden is reminiscent of Annoying Orange.

Biden is literally cartoonishly evil and people found ways to rationalize voting for him

Biden is literally cartoonishly evil and people found ways to rationalize voting for him

The only thing that's cartoonishly evil is the parties that have brainwashed you into believing this crap with their fringe media

The only thing that's cartoonishly evil is the parties that have brainwashed you into believing this crap with their fringe media
The only thing that's cartoonishly evil is the parties that have brainwashed you into believing this crap with their fringe media

Same to you dude

The only thing that's cartoonishly evil is this guy

The only thing that's cartoonishly evil is the parties that have brainwashed you into believing this crap with their fringe media
When I go around, and the comments on innocuous Obama videos claim "this was the most we ever heard about Obama"

I know they're not only brainwashed, but a loving sucker too.

Obama committed war crimes and enabled mega corps to get away with enabling the housing collapse of 2008.

You've allowed yourself, as have many others, to believe that mainstream is equal to trustworthy.

Have you done any of the basic research besides typing "[Thing I don't like] DEBOONKED"?

How about doing a source check?

The media fed people "remember Obama? of course you don't. Now vote for Biden to go back to this."
Promising them they'd feed them ignorant babble instead of the mind melting Anti-Annoying Orange 24/7 bullstuff.

The only silver lining in a Biden victory is that these mainstream media outlets have lost their last trail of income.

No more Annoying Orange means no more money.

I can't wait for the day CNN, NBC, MSNBC, ABC and FOX go bankrupt.

The only thing that's cartoonishly evil is this guy


I can't wait for the day CNN, NBC, MSNBC, ABC and FOX go bankrupt.

They won't go bankrupt because I believe President Biden will support reputable news sources with government funding.

When I go around, and the comments on innocuous Obama videos claim "this was the most we ever heard about Obama"

I know they're not only brainwashed, but a loving sucker too.

Obama committed war crimes and enabled mega corps to get away with enabling the housing collapse of 2008.

You've allowed yourself, as have many others, to believe that mainstream is equal to trustworthy.

Have you done any of the basic research besides typing "[Thing I don't like] DEBOONKED"?

How about doing a source check?

The media fed people "remember Obama? of course you don't. Now vote for Biden to go back to this."
Promising them they'd feed them ignorant babble instead of the mind melting Anti-Annoying Orange 24/7 bullstuff.

The only silver lining in a Biden victory is that these mainstream media outlets have lost their last trail of income.

No more Annoying Orange means no more money.

I can't wait for the day CNN, NBC, MSNBC, ABC and FOX go bankrupt.

MM becomes a based leftist?

Obama committed war crimes and enabled mega corps to get away with enabling the housing collapse of 2008.
based leftist matthew

I can't wait for the day CNN, NBC, MSNBC, ABC and FOX go bankrupt.
based leftist matthew

Biden's gonna make Annoying Orange a judge on the supreme Court so he can't run in 2024

biden needs to hurry up and install the sissy hypno into the 5g towers

This is irrational. Nothing about Biden is reminiscent of Annoying Orange.

You know the whole children in cages was going on since biden was VP

You know biden is the reason student debt is so high?