Author Topic: Stupid Bans, Kicks, and Mutes  (Read 606545 times)

I was just on ToxicPee's server and I built a cool little Goblin army. Next thing I know is Toxic and this stuffhead $$-S-T-R-E-S-S-$$ who had admin destroyed my army then whenever I build something, the stuffhead D-wands it!!! WTF! I got so pissed off at Toxic and Stress that I bypassed the swear filter to get them to know who they were messing with. Then I was kicked twice then perma'd. Reason: [*BLANK*]

---Anonymous Source

I was just on ToxicPee's server and I built a cool little Goblin army. Next thing I know is Toxic and this stuffhead $$-S-T-R-E-S-S-$$ who had admin destroyed my army then whenever I build something, the stuffhead D-wands it!!! WTF! I got so pissed off at Toxic and Stress that I bypassed the swear filter to get them to know who they were messing with. Then I was kicked twice then perma'd. Reason: [*BLANK*]

---Anonymous Source
Its not very anonymous when your username is on the left.

I was just on ToxicPee's server and I built a cool little Goblin army. Next thing I know is Toxic and this stuffhead $$-S-T-R-E-S-S-$$ who had admin destroyed my army then whenever I build something, the stuffhead D-wands it!!! WTF! I got so pissed off at Toxic and Stress that I bypassed the swear filter to get them to know who they were messing with. Then I was kicked twice then perma'd. Reason: [*BLANK*]

---Anonymous Source
Bypassing swear filters don't make you look tough. It makes you look younger, not older.

The filters? They are back?

Was out being bored on blockland. Found a server and joined. My little brother was in there (jx). Apparently he and the admin (santaslittlehelper) was best friends or something. And then my little brother asked the admin to ban me. Admin permantly banned me and the reason was: "u spamer" IMO that was pretty stupid.

He is just one of those idiots who doesn't look in advanced options.

Luckily I haven't had many experiences with this due to my early purchase of Blockland. You see at a point where everyone is exploring and learning the mechanics of a game, there's no room for calling others nubs. But I do recall some issues with Blockdude and his older brother... what'sHisFace. They started making their own Ninja Challenges after I rejected them from my old Ninja Clan. In anycase, they're not much of an issue anymore. I can't even remember the last time I was banned, come to think of it.

what are you 8? your grammar is terrible. Where are he grammar national socialist's when you need them
No Im not 8 but I sucks on English ;)

I joined some random server, and this guy asked me if I was gay. So, I said no, as you might expect.
Before I knew it, I was banned.

Reason: You are not gay enough.

I bypassed the swear filter to get them to know who they were messing with.

Yep, someone who doesn't look in the Options menu.

i went to DeadfromHeaven's TF2 Server just recently and when i spawned i saw him kick someone did he said "i hate being pwned" so i become soldier and kill him with the rocket then he kills me with Heavy so i kill him again with Soldier and he kicks me :cookieMonster:

i got banned from a server for using certain colours tso i crashed there server ^^

i got banned from a server for using certain colours tso i crashed there server ^^
How do you get banned from a server AFTER crashing it?

Banned from Niliscro's for pretending me and some random guy were gay and stuff. Niliscro needs to lighten up.