Author Topic: Is this stuffhole even moderated at all?  (Read 2007 times)

damn like i have done every possible thing to get this stuff banned lmao what the forget am i supposed to do??

just change your password to gibberish and log out

message badspot and asked to be banned or gain the self control to log out for good

If you want to get banned, post research, or gore, or something. The things you've done haven't even passed what the most mediocre stuffposters here have pulled. Just do yourself a favor and
just change your password to gibberish and log out
It's unhealthy that you've even returned to this place, a place that apparently has caused you such grief, let alone posted a 3 paragraph long diatribe about how much you hate people that haven't logged into this place in a matter of years.

Unless you have some kind of deep attachment to this place you can -
just change your password to gibberish and log out
I mean if I never wanted to see this place again and completely despised it and everyone on it that's what I would do but for all the bad I'm still nostalgic because I also had fun here and met some neat people (most of y'all suck kidding not kidding kidding?)

but it really seems like for whatever reason good or bad you can't let this place go, not really judging since I still check in here but that's mostly just the nostalgia of it, just a tiny bit concerned.
« Last Edit: September 23, 2021, 10:57:42 PM by Mardalf »

you can never truly leave the forums, it grasps you for the rest of your life and you aren't allowed to forget, but the log out button is always there

That's why like in life one should try to embrace the pain, you'll be much happier for it, or will you? I haven't figured that one out yet.

That's why like in life one should try to embrace the pain, you'll be much happier for it, or will you? I haven't figured that one out yet.
that reminds me of an interesting quote from a tv series called 'the leftovers'

"There is a person who is sick and dying, suffering a painful life threatening illness - against all odds they start to fight back, get better....eventually beat the illness and become healthy again.
Now, the survivor must make a choice - do they decide they were punished, or rewarded? Will they be angry because of the pain and suffering they went through - or be grateful for it because it changed them?"

it baffles me that people still go "why haven't i been banned yet lol i've been trying" okay cool do you want a cookie? legit what was the purpose if not only to embarrass yourself under the guise of "dude i totally trolled them epic style". rent free

that reminds me of an interesting quote from a tv series called 'the leftovers'

"There is a person who is sick and dying, suffering a painful life threatening illness - against all odds they start to fight back, get better....eventually beat the illness and become healthy again.
Now, the survivor must make a choice - do they decide they were punished, or rewarded? Will they be angry because of the pain and suffering they went through - or be grateful for it because it changed them?"

that's actually the best way to look at it, although I was honestly leaning more towards a sort of dark masochistic sort of joke all you have to do is change the intention and it's either that or more inspiring.

being banned is more fun c:

your posts have been pretty standard, nothing bannable. . . Lets all remember it took Fuzztoast 150+ "bannable" stuffposts to get banned. Alyx barely has any yet.