Author Topic: No option to update add-ons via BL Glass.  (Read 4364 times)

I've already reinstalled the game and reinstalled Glass. Whenever new mods are updated, Glass never notifies me to update them. Worst of all, there's no option to update anything anywhere.

If glass detects addons need updates it prompts you and then you choose to update or not.
Your Glass behavior is abnormal.
What version of Glass are you running?

The latest version provided, along with the latest version of Support_Updater or whatever it's called. It's been like this for years, even on older Windows installs.

Tempered glass?
Also in glass settings there should be a auto update checkbox

I've already reinstalled the game and reinstalled Glass. Whenever new mods are updated, Glass never notifies me to update them. Worst of all, there's no option to update anything anywhere.
what mods were updated that it didnt notify you about updating? did you restart blockland to see if it detects the updates? iirc it only checks on first opening the game

A bunch of mods were updated, like stuff from Filipe and Nighthawk. Haven't played in a month or two. Log onto Blockland. Nothing. There's a window telling me what new addons have been added to Glass or updated, like say, Nighthawk's Aseed, but nothing else. No window or option anywhere to update. my only choice is manually going into Glass and finding every single add-on I have and checking to see if it's outdated, and manually downloading it.