Author Topic: Plastiware was arrested for child research  (Read 71931 times)

Well we've had Racerboy, Clone, Otis, Bisjac, Plastiware and I think Rykuta was well

I was always an older member, joined when I was in high school when a lot of you joined when you weren't even in middle school so I feel like I failed some of you who had to endure the grooming of the weirdos (I know I didn't, I'm saying in like a grand sense for not catching it sooner)
ultimately the blame stems from the hart-man-in-charge for not getting rid of them immediately and allowing this stuff to fester. but honestly he is just an entirely different can of worms.

rykuta? what is that based on?
I remember hearing something about him being called at for sending research to minors in one of these threads, but idk we've had a large amount of child enthusiasts and groomers that I've started to lose track of who did what

rykuta sent furry research to me when i was 14-16 but that was only because we were having a highly intelligent discussion about furry research. sending unwanted research to anyone is obviously harassment but he never struck me as someone who would overstep boundaries unless given explicit verbal permission.

I know I received furry and other research from Frontrox, but I was getting groomed at the time by another group of furries and asked for more, idk why I didn't even enjoy the stuff but I enjoyed having people to talk to about something.

i left out that i also verbally consented to view the research. he was showing some of the e621 artwork he commissioned after we discussed commissions and he took great care to warn me that the content was NSFW before i clicked it. i can't speak for or attest to his interaction with anyone else but in my personal experience his personality was that of non-confrontation, respect and high self awareness and awareness of others' boundaries. he talked about his loveual preferences but never once made any sort of unwanted advances or sent pictures of himself

the only disgusting thing rykuta did to me was fuel my factorio addiction. hopefully one day he will be brought to justice for the 300+ hours of my life i lost crashing nuclear trains into each other.

rykuta likes vore that cant be forgiven

Well we've had Racerboy, Clone, Otis, Bisjac, Plastiware and I think Rykuta was well
iban is a creep too

rykuta likes vore that cant be forgiven
you are what you eat

can someone make a cohesive blf love predators registry? would be informative

iban is a creep too
Well he also runs Kiwifarms too from what I heard

Well he also runs Kiwifarms too from what I heard