Author Topic: Plastiware was arrested for child research  (Read 74488 times)


No, he really is the owner of Kiwifarms. He goes by "Null" these days. He even got into an argument with King Tony when he made an account there which, NGL, was the one of the most funniest stuff I ever read.

the only reason iban doesnt have his own kiwifarms thread is because he owns the site. he does the exact same stuff as everyone else who deserves a thread there
hes had several lol the whole community knows hes a lego game loser by now

hes had several lol the whole community knows hes a lego game loser by now
sorry by "his own kiwifarms thread" i meant an active thread. like actively stalking and sometimes harassing him

No, he really is the owner of Kiwifarms. He goes by "Null" these days. He even got into an argument with King Tony when he made an account there which, NGL, was the one of the most funniest stuff I ever read.
just got hit by the post from 11 year old me that stuff hurted

just got hit by the post from 11 year old me that stuff hurted
Going to bump this thread and pitch in a decade of knowledge.

If you check the ED article on Blockland, you'll find it jam packed with details on the game's drama throughout the last dozen years. As you all know, this game has housed several notable trolls and lolcows; go look at the stuffty BLF and you'll find an endless see of autistic 14 year old kids that sperg out and flamewar eachother constantly.

I grew up with this game, ever since it came out in 2004. I've seen it go from a cool gta / tribes 2 styled lego sandbox with the most amazing and unique community in gaming history (04~06) - to becoming a stuffty mac-cigarette styled lego ripoff that never changed after like 2008.

The userbase is mostly underage- say 12 and under. Those above that are usually egotistical, malevolent, mentally ill teenagers, or chris-chan tier basement dwellers in their 20s. Imagine the 'culture' of 4chan's /b/ nowadays combined with 9cigarette, and combine that with roroosters / meincwaft autism - welcome to Blockland.

Lord Tony, for those whom do not know, was one of the most notable trolls. He got banned but just never forgeted off- choosing to instead continue to stuffpost and troll. Tony'll know much better than me but I believe he's had 12 accounts banned so far. So that's anywhere from $100 to 250$ spent on this dumb game, depending on the variables (Purchased for $10 or $20)

Null was another notable user who was a magnet for controversy, getting savagely attacked by the autists -resulting in becoming one of the most infamous users, on par with Tony.

The friend who made this game, Badspot (Eric Hartman) has a lot of untapped cowmilk for any who want to probe his troll dust. He had a history of horrible behavior towards his userbase, like trolling young kids and insulting their parents, along with more malevolent stuff. He's become more redpilled lately and is behaving a lot better, but I was always able to trigger him and make him sperg out. Any time he's getting called out for his bullstuff and doesn't have his sea of autistic fanboys to defend him, he often can make an ass of himself.

Check this steam review for example. TL;DR that guy (player since 06) speaks out about the game's community, lack of updates, foul behavior of the creator, etc. BLcigarettes come to sperg out, badspot pops in, but the steam community reacts positively to Lew's work- Watch as baldspot back-peddles and stumbles in his words.

It's 2016 and the game's mostly dead (Despite getting 200k + keys from $team- increasing the playerbase 10-fold compared to pre-steam) but it will never die like 0002 did.

This is a very tl;dr post but I felt like contributing my $0.02.
Oh yeah here it is... oh wait that's not you that's the loving honor student (Seph) from here and he actually wrote something somewhat properly summarizing the forums.
forget kikes, kill kikes, kill them again, strangle kikes, gas kikes, hi blf
here's unovas post

legit genius

You either grow up and develop into a mostly normal human with empathy for others,

or you're iban and you make kiwifarms when the blf isn't tribal/antisemitic enough for you

I hate how Kiwifarms users write their posts, it's like reading a post by a fat person who's mocking someone else's appearance

Oh yeah here it is... oh wait that's not you that's the loving honor student (Seph) from here and he actually wrote something somewhat properly summarizing the forums.
here's unovas post

legit genius
sephiroth was 20 years old and a grown adult when he made that post. i was in elementary school at 11 years old when i made that post and when he was harassing me on discord with random schizophrenic messages.

You either grow up and develop into a mostly normal human with empathy for others,

To clarify, I was specifically referencing you Unova. We change and we learn things and can be forgiven for stupidity in youth, like you did, or we hold onto that anger into adulthood and usually direct it at innocent strangers on the internet

man after reading this thread i don't know if i should be glad i never got groomed by one of the many creep creeps on this forum when i was a kid or pissed off that none of them thought i was attractive enough to be worth going after. leaning more toward the latter rn

holy stuff of all the threads to see when logging into this godforsaken site for the first time in a while
surprising to find out that racerboy is a creep, I hated that cigarette for other reasons

also iban is the loving kiwifarms guy???

coulda sworn iban came back here for a bit with an account titled "Not Important" but i cant find the name in the member list

Oh yeah here it is... oh wait that's not you that's the loving honor student (Seph) from here and he actually wrote something somewhat properly summarizing the's unovas post

legit genius
how could unova say dis