Author Topic: back for my fortnightly visit what's poppin  (Read 3542 times)

every time I log in here I'm still amazed that this website is still limbering along. y'all okay?

u play fornite.........?

every time I log in here I'm still amazed that this website is still limbering along. y'all okay?
Considering how you need a linked Steam account to be able to post, and even that "feature" was broken with no sign or word from Badspot that it'll ever be fixed, effectively putting these forums into a 'battle royale' state as each member eventually gets banned for something, and that the daily post count has dropped to just 3 posts in a single day a couple of times this year, it seems that this place won't be limbering around for much longer, so by that definition, no, we are not okay

Also, hi! 🖐😀

I hope with the number of retrospective topics there are on here other people catch the addiction again. This place has a vibe that isn't anywhere else. It's the only forum left besides Something Awful and Kiwi Farms. Facepunch is gone now right? That's the only other forum I could think of with this vibe.

On a side note: Should I join SA? I never have because I figured I'd be banned right away but now that I'm older and $15 isn't actually that expensive I'm kinda considering it.

I'm alive and still really liking my new career, I got shocked for the first time today, I took 8 months but it happened.

I hope with the number of retrospective topics there are on here other people catch the addiction again. This place has a vibe that isn't anywhere else. It's the only forum left besides Something Awful and Kiwi Farms. Facepunch is gone now right? That's the only other forum I could think of with this vibe.
Remnants of the Facepunch forums created 'Knockout', not sure what the vibe is there or what they even do there these days, but i recall that they did save/archive a lot of old Facepunch threads

I keep coming back once a month to lurk in offtopic for a bit and every time I do i'm suprised its still active.
Can't believe ive been on this forum for 10 years now

a friend randomly mentioned this game and i decided to pop in and take a look. still the dwindling cesspool as always.

oh yeah the whole "forum battle royale" thing. I'm still in it boys, gonna floss until I die

as for me I'm okay. finally got a job (and it pays well), tried college for a semester and a half until covid ruined everything, realized that I probably have ADHD because of that, trying to come into my own, realized that I'm aroace, fun stuff like that. I've definitely changed a ton from whenever I was active here like 5-8 years ago—moved all the way over to the left politically, trying to learn all the social skills that I never caught onto, stuff like that. my life is still a big storm of dumb right now and there's a lot that I should have gotten done by now but slow and steady wins the race. it kind of pains me to see a lot of stagnation here but whatever, people will be people.

either way the decaying state of forums in general is a testament to how much discord sucks; it's convenient but god do I wish that people would use a more publicly accessible platform. I don't know how anyone is able to manage a near constant stream of information instead of just checking on a website a few times a day

I hope with the number of retrospective topics there are on here other people catch the addiction again. This place has a vibe that isn't anywhere else. It's the only forum left besides Something Awful and Kiwi Farms. Facepunch is gone now right? That's the only other forum I could think of with this vibe.

On a side note: Should I join SA? I never have because I figured I'd be banned right away but now that I'm older and $15 isn't actually that expensive I'm kinda considering it.

There are plenty of other active forums floating around the internet to be honest. Knockout was created to replace Facepunch like someone else mentioned—it's still moderately active.

SA is fine. It's pretty good all things considered and if you just lurk for a bit and abide by the rules and the vibe of the place then you probably won't get banned.

always nice to see that the site's still alive, would be sad to see all the history go

here for my visit too, going back to this godforsaken site is everything i could have hoped for and more

forget i feel old

[Obviousjoke]Haha I bet you're like 20 yo lol you're sooo old... [/Obviousjoke]

Yay now I feel old :|
« Last Edit: August 10, 2022, 12:32:09 PM by Mardalf »

Haha I bet you're like 20 yo lol you're sooo old...
ok buddy

anyways, is tony still kicking around? i swear that forgeter's shenanigans are the only thing keeping this forum afloat