Author Topic: what changes as you grow older?  (Read 6422 times)

i think the covid lockdowns was the thing that broke the camel's back. i became more openly hostile, started to see society and people for who they actually are, became severely antisocial and going against social norms more regularly.

during one of the covid lockdown scams i would say things under my mask to people irritating me in the shops, they wouldnt know who said it, or i'd pull faces at people. then one time there was this handicapped traffic light system to limit people in the shop, i pretended i had just exited the store then pretending i forgotten something walked in via the exit. i then started laughing uncontrollably and quite hard, no word of a lie.

i havent been as bad since but i am still more of a social hand grenade than i ever was. i intentionally do stuff to be aggravating to shop workers by moving stuff around or chucking stuff about.

there is something seriously wrong with me that is undiagnosed. i wish what i told you was some joker arc fantasy but it really isnt.

i think the covid lockdowns was the thing that broke the camel's back. i became more openly hostile, started to see society and people for who they actually are, became severely antisocial and going against social norms more regularly.

during one of the covid lockdown scams i would say things under my mask to people irritating me in the shops, they wouldnt know who said it, or i'd pull faces at people. then one time there was this handicapped traffic light system to limit people in the shop, i pretended i had just exited the store then pretending i forgotten something walked in via the exit. i then started laughing uncontrollably and quite hard, no word of a lie.

i havent been as bad since but i am still more of a social hand grenade than i ever was. i intentionally do stuff to be aggravating to shop workers by moving stuff around or chucking stuff about.

there is something seriously wrong with me that is undiagnosed. i wish what i told you was some joker arc fantasy but it really isnt.
you're definitely not alone there, those lockdowns really changed everybody. hope you have someone close to confide in though, cuz that feeling is really unhealthy

i havent been as bad since but i am still more of a social hand grenade than i ever was. i intentionally do stuff to be aggravating to shop workers by moving stuff around or chucking stuff about.
i dare you to do this on my shift. i know how to use a broom to lethal effect. did you know that there are thousands of strains of bacteria and viruses on just one bristle of a broom? if i were to say, smack you in the lips with the dirty end of a mop you'd be delivered a pretty unhealthy dose of e coli, staphylococcus, as well as inorganic cleaning agents that can digest your esophagus. while you profusely vomit the lining of your stomach i will carry you off to the baler machine in the back room and watch as you slowly compact into a crimson cube of cardboard, your last screams cut short by thousands of pounds of pressure.

next time you even think about putting that talenti ice cream in the cereal aisle, remember: i'm watching you. i'm not just the lowly stock clerk at your local supermarket; i am not the product on the shelf. i am the shelf. if i catch you, i will make you expire- no refunds.
« Last Edit: November 19, 2022, 08:40:18 AM by PhantOS »

there is something seriously wrong with me that is undiagnosed

it's called egocentrism, it usually stops around age 7

think i am safe from the broom of doom on the basis of your north american vocabulary.
it's called egocentrism, it usually stops around age 7
you're definitely not alone there, those lockdowns really changed everybody. hope you have someone close to confide in though, cuz that feeling is really unhealthy
i have a nice girlfriend that looks after me. most of these behaviours started shining through last year when was with my ex-girlfriend. she was a major narcissist and i think she did a little trolling in my head.

i may not speak for everyone here but as a result of this change (which is caused by your mind literally growing), your sense of child-like wonder kind of vanishes with it. i dont play video games nearly as much as i used to. if i do its 100% of the time a game i already played a long time ago. its like trying to chase that familiar child-like wonder again that you felt as a kid or a teenager because you cant get it naturally anymore. it started happening around your age too. so yeah, expect that to happen :P
this only happens if you let it happen

i feel like "child-like wonder" becomes a muscle you have to flex and retrain after its beat out of you in school or work, it's possible to get it back though

apathy and cynicality increased by several orders of magnitude
reasoning skills and social skills also increased through having to interact with people
romanticism is dead and unreachable
creativity is easier with a free-er mind and more life experience
sense of humor? probably hasn't changed lol

I was a hopeless romantic in my teens, had a string of short flings with a bunch of people, now I'm more comfortable with the idea of never doing the whole "relationship" thing.

I now wish I could nuke my forum history (now that it's too late  :panda:) or more ideally change my username.

would honestly pay like 20 bucks for either option

the forums and its capacity for having actually insightful conversations

what certainly never loving changes is the annual urge to check this god damn place

i get more money and more bitches

I was a hopeless romantic in my teens, had a string of short flings with a bunch of people, now I'm more comfortable with the idea of never doing the whole "relationship" thing.
ugly friend