Author Topic: brickadia is going into early access 2023  (Read 12365 times)

game should be like $20 max

new content for the child enthusiast gaming youtube channel

garry's mod is 10 dollars by the way

are they actually creeps like is that real

apparently reading the history of it. they kicked that team member of the dev group out.. a lot of people seem to be mad that they didn't announce at first that was "why"

Brickadia devs still have me muted after 2 years in the Discord for talking about geese.

"Hey Sheepocalypse do geese have yaddayaddayadada...."

"Yeah geese like to yaddadyayayadadya"

Perma muted

For talking about geese. After being asked about them

Brickadia devs still have me muted after 2 years in the Discord for talking about geese.

"Hey Sheepocalypse do geese have yaddayaddayadada...."

"Yeah geese like to yaddadyayayadadya"

Perma muted

For talking about geese. After being asked about them
That's just straight up stupid and childish of whatever overweight discord mod that did that.

The best part is that their appeal system is like that of 20,000 employee social media company despite having like 4 people. so after you get banned for no reason you get to talk to some Friendly Guy who's going to tell you to "Talk To Zeblote" who will never accept your friend request.

i like the idea of brickadia as being a spiritual successor to blockland since it's becoming such a ghost town but i prefer just stickin with old reliable. and like how other ppl mentioned it would be a lot nicer if they just eased up on the harsh punishments over innocuous crimes (words, questions). maybe that's a rarity in games in general more recently, but then that would be yet another selling point to stay with BL. Just let ppl behave like they wish in their own server and others can complain about those hosts in other servers and then everyone goes home happy.

i like the idea of brickadia as being a spiritual successor to blockland since it's becoming such a ghost town but i prefer just stickin with old reliable. and like how other ppl mentioned it would be a lot nicer if they just eased up on the harsh punishments over innocuous crimes (words, questions). maybe that's a rarity in games in general more recently, but then that would be yet another selling point to stay with BL. Just let ppl behave like they wish in their own server and others can complain about those hosts in other servers and then everyone goes home happy.
i think they wish to 'avoid blockland' by having overarching moderation in everything which kinda makes no sense. it's fine that they moderate their discord how they'd like to and stuff (although it's silly that most resources relating to the game are stuck in that platform specifically) but because i did this i am totally unable to join games even through direct connect, and people are also unable to join mine at all - if the really radical moderation continues while the game is paid then it just sorta won't have an audience. children, the primary group of people invested in lego, will do much worse than i've ever done to the game, and being permanently banned from multiplayer features because you did something rude or maybe even perceptibly construable as being rude on a multiplayer game is like, totally unheard of because not only does it totally kill player retention it also can make it actually Scary to make an investment into a game, even if you are totally inoffensive as a person, because there is no getting banned from a single server and learning from your mistake or getting bored and coming back when you're a better person, you're just banned. your money is gone. gmod doesn't have moderation this strict because it's sorta antithetical to their audience and the fact that you host servers yourself, but imagine if the time you went abusing darkrp server rules culminated into a permanent online ban for trolling so you were just disallowed from playing with your friends forever without the possibility of a refund

that's just silly, but i guess they don't really care about optics at all so it isn't unexpected

the valve complete pack is $6.49

if you go be tribal on apex legends or modern warfare 2 you will be banned all the same
Which is stupid imo, what's the point of the mute feature then? On counter-strike users who get reported just get muted automatically when they join the server and you have to manually unmute them. They don't get barred from playing the game for a ridiculous amount of time, unlike some games I know.

For example, I received a ban from League of Legends for a month for calling someone a cigarette. I don't think the punishment fits the crime here, but you might disagree which is fine. I'm just sick of this pussified generation of over-moderation on video games.

As for the actual OP that price is way too steep lol. Brickadia is neat, but not 30 dollars neat. 15 or 20 like Blockland is more appropriate.
« Last Edit: December 23, 2022, 02:52:42 PM by Mr. Bones »

You shouldn't call people slurs because that's obnoxious but it's funny to me when chat filters inevitably get rolled back on after it accidentally bans tons of black people for speaking AAVE while actual trolls are already conditioned to speak in code. Useless poser tokenism. If it's not a match-made game then just let server hosts moderate what's on their own computers.
« Last Edit: December 23, 2022, 03:02:57 PM by Crook »