Author Topic: brickadia devs stop grooming challenge [IMPOSSIBLE]  (Read 17320 times)

you don't pay to be in "blockland united" either. at least I presume you don't. if you do then you got scammed and that's even funnier
oh i thought you were talking about getting banned from brickadia

I think one of the funniest things about internet culture is the presumption that you are entitled to be allowed in some community. nobody has to explain to you why you got banned or even have a good reason. maybe they just don't like your ass. can you imagine if you kept trying to hang out with a group of people in real life but you were really annoying and they stopped inviting you to stuff and you demanded an explanation
if a community follows a certain path, if they have certain behaviours, it would be strange for that to flip around in one moment. it would be a serious departure from their norm. if you get banned from somewhere and they always provide the reason for the ban, wouldn't it feel wrong if they specifically don't provide you with one?

you aren't wrong in saying that nobody really has a right to be allowed in a community, but i can also say that nobody truly has a right to food or water. both are technically true, but technically true isn't always right. these are just social constructs. you live in a society. you are expected to follow these. if you don't, you're an alien, whatever you have to say or think doesn't apply nor matter to anybody else.

you're strawmanning. you are literally criticizing the fundamentals of society.

you're strawmanning. you are literally criticizing the fundamentals of society.
u know who ur talking to right

this might be a stretch but the fact foxscotch is still assumingly in contact with bloukface is kind of nutty isnt it

bloukface is weird as stuff but there's no actual evidence that they're a child enthusiast, and foxscotch just hangs around everyone who was in the furry megathread years ago. that being said, don't respond to fox since they unequivocally argue in favor of their friends and are i think pushing 24-25~.
if you're having to argue with a grown adult why it's unfair to compare being booted from a friend group because they dislike you to being swiftly and permanently removed from public discords (both a random blockland community discord and the public facing discord of a game where more than one of the actives discuss and draw furry paw research and antagonize members outside of the community) for little to no reason then you're being baited.

ultimately paying doesn't matter here and paying will never matter - unless in the next 2 months everything suddenly flips to being fine, fair and courteous this will continue happening and you'll look stupid for arguing for the brickadia devs because the writing was literally on the wall and has been for years

if you get banned from somewhere and they always provide the reason for the ban, wouldn't it feel wrong if they specifically don't provide you with one?
I'm sure that I would not like it, but that's the end of that. you can rest assured that I would not come to the blockland forum to whine about it

this might be a stretch but the fact foxscotch is still assumingly in contact with bloukface is kind of nutty isnt it

just cus you think he's weird doesn't mean he's #hashtag #problematic. and you can clearly see that the message was not sent to me directly but was posted in some random discord

don't respond to fox since they unequivocally argue in favor of their friends and are i think pushing 24-25~.
half of the people in this thread are in their mid twenties. and which friends are you talking about
if you're having to argue with a grown adult why it's unfair to compare being booted from a friend group because they dislike you to being swiftly and permanently removed from public discords for little to no reason then you're being baited.
the fact that they got public links doesn't have anything to do with this. if you go to the public library and get banned for routinely annoying librarians and other visitors they're not gonna tell you why. not even if you have other friends who still go there. they're just gonna tell you you have to leave. you can either do a lil introspection and change your behavior so you don't get banned from any other libraries or you can just get over it
ultimately paying doesn't matter here and paying will never matter - unless in the next 2 months everything suddenly flips to being fine, fair and courteous this will continue happening and you'll look stupid for arguing for the brickadia devs because the writing was literally on the wall and has been for years
you are certainly right that paying for the game doesn't matter when it comes to being banned from the discord, which is not what you paid for. being banned from the game itself for anything less than being hostile to or harassing other players would be unreasonable, which I already said. but the discord server isn't included in your steam purchase

nope which was funny

Really? What was your name on discord?

The dramatization/VA was a bit cringe but I respect the work put into this

That's actually achievable natty you just have to eat raw bull testicles
liver king and his raw grift is so loving pathetic

Ffs how come every time I get a sliver of a interest in this game I find out that another dev is a child enthusiast.

At this point I think I ran out of any and all good will for this game which is a shame since it looks pretty good.

there isnt anything new in this drop, crowmartini. its a collage of all the previous dramas.

there isnt anything new in this drop, crowmartini. its a collage of all the previous dramas.
remember when you babbled about port spouting their hebephilia as kids just being kids mutt

given what ive seen/heard afterwards, ill admit i was wrong there. i dont see how that invalidates what i said though.

given what ive seen/heard afterwards, ill admit i was wrong there. i dont see how that invalidates what i said though.
oh it doesnt i just think you a weird motherforgeter for dat