Author Topic: blockland rebuilt  (Read 38403 times)

not sure that i follow

- you can already create maps in v21 using torque objects (shaders- and shadows-compatible) or static shapes
- there are already anti aliasing, optimization, and reshade mods available for this game
- you can already load in add-ons mid game theres just not a button for it, anyone who's ever hosted a server knows how to do this
- bl glass already exists
- change your default browser to firefox or chrome
- play on borderless
- comprehensive vehicle fixes have existed for a few years now
- theres a mod that keeps rain from passing through bricks or anything according to collision
- theres a dll to disable player collisions (albeit a client dll also is needed to make it smooth)
- just make a speedkart gui
- this game engine is actually excellent
- integration of name-changing into bl glass would be extremely cool and probably more manageable than playing on an entirely different master server
- it's a modular sandbox game why wouldn't servers just moderate their own distinct userbases
- you said at the start of the video that you decompiled the source code which already gets you into legal trouble

and you can do it all in the base game without being unplayably buggy, using your free time to patchwork together a new game from other people's code, and without gutting the compatibility of every good add-on in the game's 15-year prolific modding community to accomplish this. some of these features (notably movable bricks, better UIs) are cool and im sure they are coded well but this seems like a really backwards way of going about things when it seems almost your entire laundry list are things which have already been solved

ive also always been of the opinion that maps are extremely ugly and look so out of place compared to anything a person could make using bricks. imagine if, in alpha, instead of procedurally generated terrain minecraft just had uncannily smooth, chalky, 2006-graphics slopes (off the brick grid) and people worshiped that for twenty years LOL. the best thing the b4age16 community has to offer is their userbase not a halo-but-mid gamemode

bl gets mentioned in social media from time to time because bedroom map nostalgia is a literal internet meme that reminds them of stuffty early 2000s graphics which would make them get a refund on any game they bought today

they have made the source available but they don't allow it to be modified period
I'm presuming it's only available somewhere in their Discord. Because as far as I can tell it's not available elsewhere.
Not sure what conditions bind others with the exempt of the Rebuilt team to be able to make changes to the source and compile it themselves. Unless I'm misunderstanding something here.

Personally I'd enjoy replacing the old legacy OpenGL code with Vulkan, for fun.


tbf regarding rain blocked by bricks thats actually not well done in bl as it involves creating a static zone inside every brick which quickly becomes laggy.

Drydress nothing you said matters... If the game was open source. But its not. So I guess ur kinda right, but ur kinda not, unless you've been playing bloxkland rebuilt these.past couple days. Have you?

- you can already create maps in v21 using torque objects (shaders- and shadows-compatible) or static shapes
A miserable experience with a lot of issues, especially in regards to transparent textures

- there are already anti aliasing, optimization, and reshade mods available for this game
While useful, ReShade is still a third party program that does post processing effects, meaning it also affects UI, which is not preferred

- you can already load in add-ons mid game theres just not a button for it, anyone who's ever hosted a server knows how to do this
- bl glass already exists
Ease of access

- change your default browser to firefox or chrome
Doesn't always work for some reason

- theres a mod that keeps rain from passing through bricks or anything according to collision
What Conan said

- theres a dll to disable player collisions (albeit a client dll also is needed to make it smooth)
Ease of access

- just make a speedkart gui
Probably less features and more annoying to have a bunch of 3D previews in one GUI on an older version of TGE

- this game engine is actually excellent
It's really not, it definitely shows it's age whenever you need to create workarounds or even go as far as needing DLLs or third party software

- it's a modular sandbox game why wouldn't servers just moderate their own distinct userbases
- integration of name-changing into bl glass would be extremely cool and probably more manageable than playing on an entirely different master server
They do, there just so happens to be an eye in the sky for whenever there's an especially problematic individual that goes hopping across different servers, which is definitely a case where having a separate master server comes in useful

yawn as usual just downplay that servers that are only moderated by their hosts is a bad thing

dont like a particular person, just stay away from them, dont like a particular person as you host, ban em, are they on the same server as you that you like, suck it up or leave.
but oh no not the problematic users, we need to divide the dwindling community by gatelocking them from those people instead of moderating 😢😢😢

Ease of access

also what??

just because its "out of the box" on blr, doesnt mean its any easier to get it, you still have to know what blr is (which most people still dont), watch the video, click the link in description, sign in, link your steam before you can download and play the game

compared to... just downloading the mods and dlls ??

I too love over-explaining each step to make one thing sound more complicated than the other

Anyone who exists in servers that still keep up with Blockland and it's community will already have members that are either aware of B4v21's existence, and some that already have their Steam account linked, and would likely have already seen the @everyone announcement of BLR, thus eliminating most of those issues

dont like a particular person, just stay away from them, dont like a particular person as you host, ban em, are they on the same server as you that you like, suck it up or leave.
but oh no not the problematic users, we need to divide the dwindling community by gatelocking them from those people instead of moderating 😢😢😢
The only people who say this kind of stuff are the kind of people that are upset they can't be annoying and get off scotch free because they're not doing anything game breaking

Also, that dwindling community you're worried about? I guarantee you they're not playing Blockland anyway, for one reason or another

B4v21 tries to give those people a reason to come back, because now they can play with interiors and terrains again, or now BLR, where it's pretty much B4v21, but now it's smoothing out some of Blockland's long standing issues presented by it's outdated engine and/or how some of it's default features were implemented

The only people who say this kind of stuff are the kind of people that are upset they can't be annoying and get off scotch free because they're not doing anything game breaking

Also, that dwindling community you're worried about? I guarantee you they're not playing Blockland anyway, for one reason or another

B4v21 tries to give those people a reason to come back, because now they can play with interiors and terrains again, or now BLR, where it's pretty much B4v21, but now it's smoothing out some of Blockland's long standing issues presented by it's outdated engine and/or how some of it's default features were implemented

or maybe because the global moderation are filled with a bunch of dumb idiots which could have a lot of bias towards certain users rather actual rule breaking, people who passionately hate someone are going to ban them no matter what (11 users confirmed banned). nevermind that each server would have its own set of rules or no rules at all that users will have to abide, case point: "dont like a particular person, just stay away from them, dont like a particular person as you host, ban em, are they on the same server as you that you like, suck it up or leave. "

precisely the exact point of blockland dying thanks for reinforcing my point

anyone who wants b4v21 just to play terrains and maps again are a bunch of idiots who are stuck in the pre v21 mindset  who cant accept moving on, either dont play ever again or stay on v21
« Last Edit: July 18, 2023, 01:51:14 PM by AlexK² »

(11 users banned on launch of blr)

Where are you getting that statistic from?

That was before rebuilt even launched. I looked up the message and it was sent on March 31st.

That was before rebuilt even launched. I looked up the message and it was sent on March 31st.

and where are you getting that hearsay not like it matters when still 11 users are banned either way "most out of precaution"
« Last Edit: July 18, 2023, 01:52:04 PM by AlexK² »