gmod is a good example of how 2000sy graphics age poorly and shouldnt be taken seriously. badspot and rotondo were right in their explainers about removing maps even if the decision was guided by engine complications. if nostalgia bait were a stable community development tool then people would still be playing darkrp but it sucks and is buggy so they dont
But it should be taken seriously
because it has early 2000s graphics, and yet people still play it
Also, DarkRP is the top gamemode in Gmod with rp_downtown and variants thereof still being very popular map choices, what are you talking about??

Also also, why does any of this even matter? Need i remind you that v21 caused the original split in the community? That everyone who enjoyed the old maps either quit then and there or stuck around a while longer until they got bored and ended up quitting anyway?
There's no community to divide past the v21 update because that part of the community was already not playing the game anyway or was doing so reluctantly, because it was the only way to play Blockland and be with whoever stuck around
B4v21 is literally just for those who want to keep playing on the old maps, and BLR is the same thing but with some of the cool stuff from v21 (events, doors, shaders, etc) and some other new additions and fixes that were never gonna happen otherwise
This has
no affect whatsoever on anyone still playing v21 other than giving them a way to experience Blockland as it used to be, if they haven't already, until they decide they'd rather go back to playing v21, which is totally fine, play what you want, i fail to see how this is a hard concept to understand
also blr is on the same version of tge though? or is it not, correct me then.
I don't remember what version v21 runs on, but i'm fairly sure BLR is on a newer version

ease of access being the tagline to a game mod that breaks every other game mod is handicapped and idk why youre fine with this being seemingly a permanent issue for blr
I never said i was fine with it, i was answering your concerns with what i believed to be the reasons for the changes
...and I also am of the opinion that maps look like pure ass, but I'll accept that enough people like them to just deal with it.
This is the right attitude to have