Author Topic: blockland rebuilt  (Read 38421 times)

Dividing the user base 1099/5

drydress would rather play brickadia
stop talking to and about me you are too stupid for the internet

I've been playing and it's pretty fun. Although that may just be because of the player count was high enough to have a full server for the first time in forever. But, all I did play was block party and a platforming challenge, neither of which seemed to be really dependent on the "rebuilt" aspect of this project. And oh man, the performance is bad, specifically in block party where it feels like I'm playing the game on my old intel hd graphics laptop. Aside from that, I'm just happy to see people are still putting effort into the game.

...and I also am of the opinion that maps look like pure ass, but I'll accept that enough people like them to just deal with it.

stop talking to and about me you are too stupid for the internet

The champion feature of BL-R is an active developer. This is orders of magnitude more important than anything else.

The compatibility thus far is actually pretty good. All of my weapons and vehicles made it back without too much hassle - some of the most strenuously experimental features broke, and some things are missing, but it wasn't anything I wasn't able to work around. In-fact, the inclusion of native dlls means my add-ons are actually more compatible with BL-R than V21. This situation will improve as time goes on.

I have an outspoken position about moderation in general, but I want to mention that our experience with the BL-R team thus far has been exemplary. I think I might have been one of the precautionary 11 bans, but day one of launch we were able to get in touch with the team and get ourselves pardoned. This is a level of communication/transparency/level-headedness that has been rare lately.

There is no advantage in removing maps. They look bad, but if we're not replacing them with anything what is the point in sweeping them under the rug? Shadows do not look good and in 11 years nobody found a mechanical use for them. Compare that to some of blockland's most beloved servers vanishing overnight because we never got the promised replacement for terrain.

The champion feature of BL-R is an active developer. This is orders of magnitude more important than anything else.

I was sad about no open source but when you look at it this way, its really nice. Its just that after being through the ringer with badspot, and the failed brickadia, many blocklandheads have ptsd and fear this project being abandoned. But honestly they seem to be handling it well, maybe they will be good developers.

stop talking to and about me you are too stupid for the internet
But do you like playing brickadia?

if nostalgia bait were a stable community development tool then people would still be playing darkrp but it sucks and is buggy so they dont
people still actively watch and play DarkRP. bad example

this is cool but the experience is super glitchy on amd gpus atm

Unfortunately AMD rewrote their OpenGL drivers in mid 2022 which absolutely broke compatibility with older Torque games. Rebuilt team has been trying to fix it but none of the devs have AMD GPUs so they can’t really debug it. It also seems to vary between cards. I have an RX 470 and my graphical issues were pretty much squashed right before release.

gmod is a good example of how 2000sy graphics age poorly and shouldnt be taken seriously. badspot and rotondo were right in their explainers about removing maps even if the decision was guided by engine complications. if nostalgia bait were a stable community development tool then people would still be playing darkrp but it sucks and is buggy so they dont
But it should be taken seriously because it has early 2000s graphics, and yet people still play it

Also, DarkRP is the top gamemode in Gmod with rp_downtown and variants thereof still being very popular map choices, what are you talking about??

Also also, why does any of this even matter? Need i remind you that v21 caused the original split in the community? That everyone who enjoyed the old maps either quit then and there or stuck around a while longer until they got bored and ended up quitting anyway?

There's no community to divide past the v21 update because that part of the community was already not playing the game anyway or was doing so reluctantly, because it was the only way to play Blockland and be with whoever stuck around

B4v21 is literally just for those who want to keep playing on the old maps, and BLR is the same thing but with some of the cool stuff from v21 (events, doors, shaders, etc) and some other new additions and fixes that were never gonna happen otherwise

This has no affect whatsoever on anyone still playing v21 other than giving them a way to experience Blockland as it used to be, if they haven't already, until they decide they'd rather go back to playing v21, which is totally fine, play what you want, i fail to see how this is a hard concept to understand

also blr is on the same version of tge though? or is it not, correct me then.
I don't remember what version v21 runs on, but i'm fairly sure BLR is on a newer version

ease of access being the tagline to a game mod that breaks every other game mod is handicapped and idk why youre fine with this being seemingly a permanent issue for blr
I never said i was fine with it, i was answering your concerns with what i believed to be the reasons for the changes

...and I also am of the opinion that maps look like pure ass, but I'll accept that enough people like them to just deal with it.
This is the right attitude to have
« Last Edit: July 18, 2023, 08:05:10 PM by Masterlegodude »

There is no advantage in removing maps. They look bad, but if we're not replacing them with anything what is the point in sweeping them under the rug? Shadows do not look good and in 11 years nobody found a mechanical use for them. Compare that to some of blockland's most beloved servers vanishing overnight because we never got the promised replacement for terrain.
wasn't the replacement for terrain modter?
the idea being that you'd have to build the terrain yourself ingame, instead of needing an external program to create a static/unchanging terrain model.

also shadows/shaders are super nice to have and is what made me prefer v21 over the other versions of the game; lighting means so much for any sandbox game and v20's lighting is awful. it still is awful in BLR with their unfinished shader feature and i'm hoping thats something they can actually fix with whatever decompiled codebase they have.

Brick terrain has basically no advantages over regular terrain. Brick collision, even with mod-ter, is embarrassingly unreliable. Right off the bat you lose almost all of the vehicle gameplay. It's extremely slow to save and load, it runs terribly, it requires excessive amounts of time and effort to create, and ultimately just kinda looks like garbage anyway. Terrain itself doesn’t need a 3rd party program iirc, you can edit it in mission editor

Brick terrain has basically no advantages over regular terrain. Brick collision, even with mod-ter, is embarrassingly unreliable. Right off the bat you lose almost all of the vehicle gameplay.
thinking about it, I very rarely saw vehicles being used after v21 outside of speedkart - and if they were, it was always on mostly-flat builds. really makes you go hmm.