a few flags on virustotal doesn't mean much. dozens of antivirus software will flag something simply because they don't recognize it, and the techniques you have to use to get around a game's DRM are always going to trigger some antivirus software. it doesn't matter how safe it actually is. the fact that the other 62 results are "undetected" is significantly more meaningful than 8 complaining
this is for autohotkey's installer, a piece of software broadly considered to be trustworthy:

it is sometimes used for nefarious purposes, and so it gets some bad ratings
here's b4v21, which dozens of you have been using for years without a single complaint:

unfortunately, publicly handing out the source code of something you normally have to pay for would be "copyright infringement" which is "illegal"
circumventing the game's DRM and distributing binary copies (even without fiddling with DRM) are already copyright infringement. kind of a weak justification
I have a friend who just got banned on the discord after they tried to tell others. Everyone agreed that it was a virus, but then the moderators silenced them and stopped them from seeing the truth.
From the responses, Its well known, but people have invested too much to stop at this point.
"everyone agreed that it was a virus" means absolutely nothing. a bunch of teenage idiots on a discord server don't know a virus from their left ass cheek. you look at a virustotal page and start going off the rails
Ah, so 'early access' just means 'dont criticize it too much.'
I hate modern video games lol
I don't feel like there's even much to criticize honestly. I've only played it a little and it was some time ago but it's generally well put together. definitely better than the average indie game, even ones people really like, like battlebit. the physics features they're adding on release I honestly don't care about, I don't feel like they're some key component that was missing. I don't even understand what you would do with that feature as a player lol. the vehicles on the other hand I see value in but I still wouldn't call it essential. what I do think is essential is modding. but you will probably never hear someone complaining about a game being incomplete because it doesn't have first-party modding support. so I don't really think it applies in the same way