Author Topic: how have the last 5 years been for you?  (Read 30551 times)

I've been meaning to reply here for a bit, but I'm lazy. I graduated from college with a degree in computer science and philosophy, and I've been a software engineer for two years now mainly engineering a suite of software to manage fleets of security and inspection robots. I have a couple of apps on the app store as well from other smaller projects. I currently hold public office in a volunteer role on a committee in a small town; it is an intermittent role, so it doesn't take up too much of my time. I live alone, which has been nice. I have a girlfriend; we've been seeing each other for five months or so. She is down to earth, and we both play video games. I got her to join a CityRPG with me earlier this year  :cookieMonster:
« Last Edit: October 16, 2023, 03:42:35 PM by log »

Oh wow, fancy seeing somewhat familiar people here.

honestly idk
im just kinda gonig along without a plan rn and it seems to be working for the most part

2019: stuck in grippy sock jail for god knows how long
2020: started uni
2021: still in uni, started transitioning
2022: still in uni and now addicted to ketamine because everything is stuff
2023: graduated with a bachelors in cs and currently (kinda) homeless because no one is hiring

A ton of stuff has changed. I got diagnosed with schizophrenia. I have tits now. I still abuse drugs and alcohol every week because the pain is never ending and the only thing that keeps me going is me looking forward to raves every week to get super forgeted up.

I miss the old days where I stayed up until 2AM playing blockland and everything was right in the world.

A lot of interpersonal drama and a whole lot of learning from it. Been feeling a bit chewed up and spit out but when you deal with it and rip the band aid it really does feel better afterwards.

Went from every heated talk with my dad ending in a screaming session to feeling like we can talk about hot topics calmly. Don't know if it was me or him or a mutual effort but it feels good.

Five years ago, I was smack in the middle of undergrad. I think my sophomore year of college might’ve been the worst year for me overall. It ended up as a perfect storm of being somewhere isolated at a super rural university, having stuff weather all the time, and not really knowing what I wanted to do with myself. I got into a relationship, it lasted 3 years but didn’t work out so I broke it off.

I started running and  power lifting and my mental health slowly improved. I graduated with a bachelor’s degree in geology. By that point I knew I needed a break from school, so I started looking for work opportunities. This was 2021, and the job market wasn’t the greatest for fresh grads. After about four months of searching, I was able to leverage my Python/data skills to land a job as a data brown townyst at a software startup.

I worked there for a little over two and a half years and got some solid work experience. Due to the company being a startup, I had the opportunity to get my hands on a lot of different projects and aspects of the business that I probably wouldn’t have had any exposure to at a larger company.

At the beginning of October, 40% of the company was laid off, including nearly every brown townyst. Unfortunately, that also included my role. I’ve been back on the job application/networking grind since then. It takes a lot of perseverance and if I let it get to me, it can definitely be a frustrating process.
I’m really comfortable with Python (I’ve been writing Python code since I was 10; I am nearly 26 now) and I have a ton of experience with big data brown townysis, statistical modeling, machine learning, etc.

It’s been quite a shock how terrible the market is at the current moment; I have a response rate of maybe 2% on applications despite having strong credentials. I would guess part of it is the huge waves of tech layoffs leading to an inflated candidate pool (especially FAANG alums). Even so, I’ve been receiving absolutely absurd lowball offers of substantially lower compensation than my previous role. I don’t know who budgets $17 an hour for a mid-level brown townyst role *based out of NYC* but it took all of my self restraint to not go off on that interviewer for wasting my time. I figure it’s a matter of time before something turns up, and all I can really do until then is stay diligent on the application/networking front.

i feel like i lucked out immensely. only the last two or three months of my undergrad were affected by covid, and i graduated with a full time offer as a software engineer in 2020 right before the job market went to stuff, helped my parents buy a house with a super low mortgage rate (2.9%) and the waves of layoffs havent affected my team so far. graduating even one semester later would have forgeted up my life so bad. the year before that was awful im not gonna go into it but my family had lots of financial difficulties and now we're doing a lot better cause i can help pay their bills

the covid lockdown was a blur i just oscillated between zen solitude and boredom/depression, i did lots of working out and rotting in front of the computer and after lockdown ended i was super sick of being online all the time

after covid i felt a lot of uncertainty/ennui about what i want to do next, i have the job that ive wanted since high school and i have a lot of time and money but i had no goals or direction after that. in the last year ive been playing a lot more music w/ other people and it's been really rewarding and fun. im gonna focus on that for a while and hopefully start recording and releasing stuff soon

I had a pretty different experience with covid generally, I was working in an office at a factory at the time, and being a factory and all, they can't really do wfh, which.... didn't need to extend to the office staff as well, but it did anyway. so work didn't change at all actually, except we all started wearing masks lol. social life didn't change too much either, I still saw a couple of my friends every week because I had been going over every friday to wash my clothes anyway, and I still needed to wash my clothes, so we never really stopped. it wasn't until february 2021 that I got a remote job and that part changed, but the social stuff didn't, so it was whatever

I guess it was a good thing. obviously working in an office meant greater potential exposure to covid, but somehow, I managed to never catch it

I did my conscription during covid. I don't think it affected me too much though as covid was on full blast when I started so I had nothing to compare it to really. Basically you just couldn't leave the barracks for like 6-8 weeks at a time before you could go home for a couple of days. The worst thing was just that there was nothing to do as everything was shutoff like the gym and such. At the beginning you couldn't even play football outside in your freetime. The only thing that I did on my freetime was chainsmoke and run to the shootingranges and back. But because I couldn't really compare it to the "normal" it probably didn't feel nearly as bad as for people that had been there before it all started.

Also if one person in your platoon so much as coughed he would be locked away to wait for testing and the rest of you would need to sleep outside and wait for testing before you could be let back in. I remember I had a mild fever and was sent to quarantine and got my negative tests back in like 3 days but because they kept putting new people inside the same quarantine room I was in I had to wait until everyone had a negative test before I could be released. This went on for over 10days before they realized that we would never get out if they just put everyone in one room.

Idk got to shoot a coastal artillery cannon few hundred times and throw a grenade 10/10.
« Last Edit: November 03, 2023, 06:30:19 PM by c[_] »

being a lost and confused neet ever since i finished school

got a really good job last year and i just bought a house so life is good. 😎

that being said i need a roommate because mortgage is expensive.

> need roommate in house ur paying to own
so ur just landlording ur roommate smh my head mh

being a lost and confused neet ever since i finished school
5 years ago was 2018, that's when I graduated high school, so same bro

got a really good job last year and i just bought a house so life is good. 😎

that being said i need a roommate because mortgage is expensive.
acquire spouse(s)

> need roommate in house ur paying to own
so ur just landlording ur roommate smh my head mh
feel free to inquire ;)