Author Topic: Custom Vehicle Camera?  (Read 32545 times)

It'd be neat to have a mod that replaces the vehicle cameras with a custom one for both third and first person. Reacts to forces and rotation and stuff, in third person it's like a chase cam in a racing game. In first person, can "simulate" g-forces or something. Preferably would auto-center when the mouse stops moving after a configurable amount of seconds.

The main thing is the third person aspect of it, to make driving more fun. Would probably be a client mod.

Also, I was looking for a client mod that let you freeze the camera in place that I used to use, while you can still control your blockhead normally, but I can't find it anymore.

camera is engine sided, so that isnt going to happen pretty much ever. would require a dll to edit the engine code and then script to utilize it, which is an insane amount of work for a game with meh driving mechanics

as for the client mod you probably need to look up chasecam or whatever, it edits the chasecam delay in following the player but thats it

It wasn't that, it was something else. Might be somewhere on the forum, but I don't remember where. You could bind a key and the camera would stay in its current position until you pressed the key again, or a different key.

might you be referring to the old camera events where you press the light key to exit the camera view? I know with the default camera events you can still control your player but there is no shortcut key to exit the camera view, you'd have to set the events up to make camera go back to normal after a certain amount of time or run a loop that detects an input with VCE value.... or use f8/f7 to set the camera back

No it was by somebody else. If it's of any help, I think I remember either the author on the forum, or someone who participated in the thread, had a profile picture of a renaissance portrait of some guy. But I could be wrong.

But it was a client-sided add-on that used key bindings you set in the options just like anything else.

definitely a chasecam mod then. its the only sort of thing that would work client sided

But it wasn't though, it stayed in place.

how exactly did it work?

When you pressed a key, the camera would freeze in place in its current position, but you could still control the game as normal until you pressed again, but I don't remember if it was the same key or a separate key to disable it.

its probably using chasecam, only that it's setting the value (delay/timer) super high

How many times do I have to say it wasn't Chase Cam?

The only thing i can think of is the control player add-on that lets you control your player from wherever you're at as the admin orb, but that works via slash command, not keybind

Still isn't something you can tie to a vehicle though

You can make a custom 'cam' node in your vehicle to change the position of the thirdperson camera, but i don't think that's what you're looking for

How many times do I have to say it wasn't Chase Cam?
what youre describing sounds exactly like chasecam just set to a very high delay, meaning the camera wont respond to your inputs immediately but after that delay
setting it extremely high practically makes the camera static

what youre describing sounds exactly like chasecam just set to a very high delay, meaning the camera wont respond to your inputs immediately but after that delay
setting it extremely high practically makes the camera static
^ this is why i asked how it works - "chase cam" refers to the 3rd person camera, not a vehicle camera, and there's a game setting that lets you dynamically change how long it waits before it continues to follow your player. unless you can give more detail in how it worked, it sounds like it was a kind of chasecam mod, even if its not the first chasecam mod you are thinking of/found, so the question is what makes you certain it isnt and why.

As I said you just pressed a binding and it became static. That was it. No menu or values you had to type, nothing. It was just a simple toggle. The only thing I don't remember was if resetting the camera/disabling the static camera was a separate button or the same button.