Author Topic: What game has the best grenades?  (Read 3671 times)

I base my opinion mostly on how easy/satisfying they are to throw.

#1: HL2: Easy to throw, super satisfying. Bonus points but not a decider, Grav gun+grenade adds more.
#2: CS: Also usually easy to throw but not quite as easy but also satisfying. Mostly flash and smoke though HE kinda sucks now.
#3: Halo: Bouncy, they go where you want. Plasma grenade is incredibly satisfying.

runner up: Red Orchestra/Rising Storm: Throwing them sucks but damn getting 6 kills because everyone is huddled is incredible.
« Last Edit: December 21, 2024, 01:52:38 AM by Soukuw »

obligatory blockland mention

its gotta be halo: its designed so well its part of any combat scenario and somehow doesnt manage to be frustrating

special mention to fallout games. clunky as forget but they are huge dmg bombs so it was still satisfying. especially just a stick of tnt in fnv, to the point where id mod a richer powderganger experience into the game so i could make my character one
« Last Edit: December 21, 2024, 03:12:57 PM by Unimproved »

Counter-Strike: Source servers with +150% grenade damage/radius are very exciting. Now, it doesn't take a coordinated effort between 3 people to get a grenade-only kill, when one grenade can nuke a group!

L4D those things were fun af

alan wake had super effective ones in the form of flashbangs
they're were near always a insta-kill to any Taken that were close
i don't think they even did damage to you, if you threw them close to yourself besides like the whole ringing in your ears routine as expected

but this leads to usually popping flashbangs at your feet, when your close to being forgeted 10 ways from sunday & don't really have the time to pop a flare
(atleast from what i remember when i used to play alan wake 1 back in the day)

Insurgency & alternatively Insurgency Sandstorm. I think they're very satisfying.