Author Topic: my xbox is work :D  (Read 1565 times)

i found out why my xbox was giving me the RRoD, it was the disk tray



les play sum games

i has tf2 and silver membership

wanna plai? :D

silver? you can't play. Can you? (on xbox live)

cant go online yet as only have silver


Ace will plang with someone.

-Halo 3

Good, now buy yourself a gold account and play some Halo 3 and Team Fortress 2 with me! :D

Finnaly snot, my friend were wondering y your a beast on games, lol, now i can show them. also, download this game if you have xbox live

Aeigis Wing

Its real fun and its 4 player.

yay snot.

too bad i barely touch my xbox anymore.

Good, now buy Orange Box for PC and play it how it was meant to be played.

Good, now buy Orange Box for PC and play it how it was meant to be played.

Finnaly snot, my friend were wondering y your a beast on games, lol, now i can show them. also, download this game if you have xbox live

Aeigis Wing

Its real fun and its 4 player.

its us only but i have a US and JP accounts :D