Author Topic: Most Missed Forum Members?  (Read 8047 times)

Who do you miss?

I miss TheBerk....a mapping god....great person to talk to....great in the forums....still comes here occasionally...not much though
« Last Edit: December 17, 2005, 02:06:18 AM by Spaceomega »

I thought TheBerk was a female

I thought TheBerk was a female

Erm...*goes and checks*


Wizzard1 :(

He had some weird ass servers....Very artistic in a way

Wizzard1 was a cigarette. He kept making spawn traps and mock me whenever i wantd to go out of the spawn trap.


  • Administrator
If TheBerk was female, that would explain a LOT.  But I'm pretty sure he was male. 

Wizzard1 was a cigarette. He kept making spawn traps and mock me whenever i wantd to go out of the spawn trap.

Doesn't Everyone?

Even though some of you disagree. I miss Terminal58, and i don't like him to clarify some things. I just like watching him freak out anytime anything happened, and how he got pissy and said loving and forget and stuff so much. It was hilarious, what a loser.

If TheBerk was female, that would explain a LOT.  But I'm pretty sure he was male. 

Who do you miss Badspot? Chronic? btw...who was chronic really..he made a brick pack and was a moderator..bout all i kno
Wizzard1 was a cigarette. He kept making spawn traps and mock me whenever i wantd to go out of the spawn trap.

He'd let you out if you were polite and mature...and that was before trusting came thats sometimes what you had to do..

If you were mature and a good builder, then you could do whatever you wanted in Wiz's servers. I still use that basic philosophy in my servers. I have a free build are for anyone to build in, then I have a special area where only approved people are supposed to build.

i miss piccolo, not for his personality, but some of his spawn traps were quite style :>

i miss puppy. and 007. and vrutabaga

Vrtuga was going to start up playing blockland again. Then school started and he decided not to. I talk to him on AIM sometimes...