Super Mario ARPEEGEE for US VC Monday!

Author Topic: Super Mario ARPEEGEE for US VC Monday!  (Read 3321 times)

Apparently it's out in moonland right now, we get it munday!

« Last Edit: July 20, 2011, 02:00:42 AM by CC »

Yay. But still, NO URFBOUWND  :panda:


and its on the top of the most wanted list in the Nintendo power magazine

Yey, my bro and I have wanted this soo bad, we never had the original.

Yay. But still, NO URFBOUWND  :panda:


and its on the top of the most wanted list in the Nintendo power magazine

Earthbound is great, I played a little of it on an emulator, yet, Nintendo of America are all like  :cookieMonster: "Wesa no release Urfbound on Virtual Console, and we'll just let Japan have it." Seriously, The Japanese Brawl had an Eathrbound masterpeice, damn it.

Yay. But still, NO URFBOUWND  :panda:


and its on the top of the most wanted list in the Nintendo power magazine

Earthbound is great, I played a little of it on an emulator, yet, Nintendo of America are all like  :cookieMonster: "Wesa no release Urfbound on Virtual Console, and we'll just let Japan have it." Seriously, The Japanese Brawl had an Eathrbound masterpeice, damn it.


Jesus christ :l

Why on earth spend money on Virtual Console games? Just emulate it ffs.

Why on earth spend money on Virtual Console games? Just emulate it ffs.

Unlike you we don't have super awesome comfortable swivle chairs.

Why on earth spend money on Virtual Console games? Just emulate it ffs.

I spend moneyzz on Vitual Console becasue...
1. I'm not a criminal
2. Emulating sucks. I'm too lazy to bother with controller crap, and the keyboard controls are gay. The only good emulator is Project 64.

1. Haha. Keep telling yourself that. Besides, you are surrounded by so called 'criminals', not to mention that it is perfectly legal if you own the game.
2. No it doesn't, you just suck at it.

I only like console ports that are of the "Games for Windows" type, those work perfect with Xbox 360 controls.  Otherwise, i only like fps's on PC.  Also, you DO know that your ISP tracks your actions, so yeah, they show the police, smartass.

If they showed the police I would have been in prison 5 years ago.
When talking about emulation, the ISP can't tell if I have the game or not, and whether I am deleting it in 24 hours or not.

If they showed the police I would have been in prison 5 years ago.
When talking about emulation, the ISP can't tell if I have the game or not, and whether I am deleting it in 24 hours or not.

Uh, the sites, smart one.

It's legal to download ROMS/ISO's if I own a copy of the game. If I don't, I have to delete the ROM/ISO within 24 hours, and the ISP has no way of telling whether I'm doing that or not.
So, uh, yeah, smart one.