firefox 3 download day

Author Topic: firefox 3 download day  (Read 2187 times)

 Set a Guinness World Record
Enjoy a Better Web

Sounds like a good deal, right? All you have to do is get Firefox 3 during Download Day to help set the record for most software downloads in 24 hours - it’s that easy. We're not asking you to swallow a sword or to balance 30 spoons on your face, although that would be kind of awesome.

What's the record?
I cant find it. I think they're trying to set an incredible number and then submit it to the recordbook.

I need to, I can't hate Firefox forever.

from their FAQ

Do we have to reach a specific number of downloads in order to set the record?

    This is the first record attempt of its kind so there is no set number. We'd really like to outdo the number of Firefox 2 downloads on its launch day, which was 1.6 million. Let's shoot for 5 million--the sky is the limit!

rofl, that fox looks like from RCT3