Author Topic: I cant get sleep...because...  (Read 5348 times)

Don't think about life when trying to go to sleep, I hate it when I do, can't fall asleep for like 3 hours.

You see, this is what drugs are for.

1:50 am.

I'll probably get to sleep at around 3am or as soon as my iPod battery dies.


The only thing that I'm losing sleep over is how you managed to memorize that entire quote.

The only thing that I'm losing sleep over is how you managed to memorize that entire quote.

Who said he memorized it?

me and my friend had a discussion about this.

We decided that every human must have a Destiny, yes call us fools for believing in that.The actions you choose through your life can change and alter this, like a thousand paths. But ones purpose is to find his destiny, although he may not complete it. However, these Destines can over lap with others, having people share them. Not making them unique, but blending in with the sea of people. Destines this small would be unable to shine across the land. However...

We also believe in reincarnation. However, in a different way. Our theory is that when we die, we go to where ever we believe. Dreams can stimulate the nerves, make if feel if your really there. What if, and this may be unlikely, when we die, we advance to what we think is heaven, no matter what religion. A final wish so to speak. The Destiny carrys fourth into this "Heaven"

The brain can function as an emergency recaller, note the saying "My life flashed before my eyes." What if, before we die, we have a final dream, a permanent dream, of what we call...Heaven. Would our Destines carry over?

My main worry with this whole situatition is the fact that your name will not last forever. Your name will hit deeply only several people. Once they die, your name will be nothing but a stone grave, and soon in time, forgotten. However, what if your name carries into what you call...Heaven? The people you met, the people you affected. Your name would carry.

However, one main flaw is that the people hit by your name, could move on to what they call their heaven. However, what if you were in their heaven, and they were in yours. Would you still be fine with that? Its your heaven.

This leads to my final point, with so many lives on this planet, with so many thoughts. Is all life meaning less? Just a world of pain and suffering? Like a test? You fall, and you bleed. You get hurt and you cry. You get tickled and you laugh. Feelings, there the only thing with us that we have, yet, they can kill us at times. As this quote did to me.

I could go on, and on. Perhaps if I keep typing, ill find the solution.

[1st paragraph] If you were to give everyone a color based on there aspirations, hopes, and dreams the world would look like a colored band. right? Thats not the gray, lifeless lump of people that the quote says we are is it?

[2nd paragraph] In Christianity, Heaven is pretty debated. Some say you will be so happy to be in the lords presence you wont care about other people. That idea doesnt sit well with me. But, i think you will be doing what your REALLY want to do in heaven waiting for the tribulation to be over then Jesus pwns Satan and throws him in the pit of fire. So in a sense you may follow your destiny  but we all believe different things about heaven. But thats another story.
(note, this is my theory/religion. I'm stating it like he stated his, no wars k thx.)

The brain has an ability to store things beyond what we knew it could store. Its said we only use a small part of our brain and i think thats true. I mean, deams are such powerfull things theres no way the puny part we use every day can create something so realistic when where not even moving are are unconscious.

[3rd paragraph] honestly i would'nt want to go there. The brain has the ability to create some pretty forgeted up stuff even amongst the good stuff. I dont wanna find out what my brain has in store. Imagine if you were like a murderer and you had to live in your own head, in a  sense.

[4th paragraph] Its only like that if you want it to be like that.

The only thing that I'm losing sleep over is how you managed to memorize that entire quote.

Copy Paste

The brain is made that way to protect it's self. If you look at a handicap (downs syndrome), you see someone who is perfectly content and happy. The smarter a person is, the less happy the person becomes. They learn more about the world and what has happened to it and what we can be and will be heading to in the future. We only use a section of our brain to protect ourselves from becoming completely insane. That and if we ever decide to get around to it we can go into a sort of dimensional jump and go into the temporal dimension. Then we become, if we do not forget with the future and the knowledge we have, Omniscient.

Its said we only use a small part of our brain and i think thats true.
Whoever said that is an idiot and it has been disproved by a couple of scientists kthnx.
Google it.

we use 10% of our brain at any given time. We hardly ever go across that boundery.

we use 10% of our brain at any given time. We hardly ever go across that boundery.

Oh nvm, I get what you're saying, and yes that's roughly true, not exactly 10%, I don't really know how much, but yeah.
But Trueno had the wrong idea.
« Last Edit: June 21, 2008, 02:12:55 PM by Vertzer »

Watching the rest of the anime, the girl (Haruhi) slowly looks at the world different. She finds a reason to continue. And through the entire last episodes, she always has a smile on her face. She changed.

Why? Because everyone purpose in life is, as someone said earlier, fun. The quote took place about half way through the series. After that, she found her friends, and the main character, Kyoto, her purpose. She lived with it, and had fun.

I should kill myself for letting an anime get to me, however, there is truth in this. Last night, I had a grade school "reunion." Before that, the only thing I could think of was that quote, however, once I was around my friends. I never thought of the quote. I figure, the purpose of life, is friendship.

As I said, i should probably kill myself for letting an anime get to me, but it probably was a good idea to bring up, and think about. Its made my view different on this world.  A better view.

Ahh well, some questions should remain unanswered.

The brain is made that way to protect it's self. If you look at a handicap (downs syndrome), you see someone who is perfectly content and happy. The smarter a person is, the less happy the person becomes.

Ignorance is bliss, my dear friends :/

we use 10% of our brain at any given time. We hardly ever go across that boundery.

Oh nvm, I get what you're saying, and yes that's roughly true, not exactly 10%, I don't really know how much, but yeah.
But Trueno had the wrong idea.

thats what i meant....

I mean can i sit here and control what i feel like when i have flying dreams?
And how does the brain know what flying feels like!?

Nope. That to me would be using all of my brain or being able to control it at least
« Last Edit: June 21, 2008, 05:30:56 PM by Mr_Grinch14 »

Yet, I still cant stop thinking about it.