Author Topic: Can someone please tell me what I did to be banned from MotE?  (Read 749 times)

Can someone please tell me what I did to be banned from MotE? If it's not too bad can I be un-banned so I can prove my building skills to you? If you ask around eventually you will find someone who says that I am a great builder. But who wants to go on what people say, evaluate me yourself!

My personality (based on what people tell me):

-People say that I am very funny
-I am told that my builds rock
-I usually do my best to type well, but if I make a mistake I will correct it with a little * in a new chat line
-People tell me that I am usually fair and just

My beliefs:

-Any type of spam is bad, and I never spam
-If you are making random spawn bricks to get things like a wand, the brick should be destroyed after you collect your item
-I never save other peoples builds unless I had a part in it, as this is not honorable. Under the condition that others worked on a build with me, I never take full credit for that build. Under the condition that I save a build and there are other builds in the save, I never take credit for the other builds that are not mine.
-I reserve the right to ban noobs, spamers, pinkers, and those with prejudice beliefs
-I rock at building (not to gloat, but I do)
-Caps lock is bad (unless you are really angry or are placing emphasis on a word)
        ie: "OH MY GOD YOU LITTLE NOOB!!!!!!"                 "You REALLY need to work on your building."

My building skills:
-awesome (based on personal opinion)
-awesome (based on peer opinion)

If it's any help to the MotE members reading this, when I try to enter your server it says "I always like to call b****" only without the stars.

Please explain to me what I did. If you are reading this and you have seen my awesome building skills, please leave a quote explaining how I rock.

this most likely goes in drama

EDIT i would like to see one of your builds also, please post a pic

I will,got a pic from one of his servers:

(He's actually pretty good)

You probably got banned with good reason.

I wasn't banned for a good reason...

I am unbanned now though.

EDIT i would like to see one of your builds also, please post a pic
I would love to, if I knew how to use ImageShack


Oh well, I guess it fits

TheGeek   387      3623      I always like to call... you my bitch.   -1   -1

You should get in touch with Geek about your ban.

Maybe he just wanted to ban you for fun. One time i said Hi and one of the admins Go YOU THINK YOU HAVE THE RIGHT TO SAY HI YOU LITTLE FA* GTFO and bans me.