Author Topic: New Clan - KoD.  (Read 2865 times)

(Image made by Cooltext on google.)
Konstructions on Demand.

Tag: [Name] KoD.

What the hell is KoD?

KoD is friendly group or more as team who works together to create builds that the community wants. Builds such as DM's and Minigames that can provide pleasure for everyones use. Yes we will allow everyone to save our builds and host them, which is why we won't be using a whole lot of Add-Ons.

Why create ANOTHER Clan!?

It's always been my goal to create builds and mini-games for fun. Recently i realized how much more we could get done if we where a huge team working towards the same cause. Yes i do say Team instead of Clan, for the reason that everyone has a say and the ranking our leadership position is frankly alot different!

What can i expect from KoD.?

Currently working towards fun and eventive mini-games, Such as a dynamic race or even a maze with a million twists involved. Yes all builds will be available to the public. Currently working towards a dedicated server, perhaps a whoever joins could work that out, aswell the builds will be hosted by me. My main focus is some sort of a huge Carnival Dedicated server, where you don't need a admin to run everything and everything is easily playable providing maximum fun.

How do i join!?

KoD. is invite and applying only. Invite means a friend inside of the clan can refer you to me or the Co-Director.

Applications! Yes you can submit a application of anything. Luckily this Clan well team isn't going to be made of Pure Elitism Builders, simply for the fact that i'm not the best builder out there at all. KoD. Will not support any uniform or color based uniforms in any sort, it is a very free and friendly group, or clan or team.

Where to submit you're application!? In the GALLERY section, create a new topic starting with KoD. App.



Pending Member


Jess 1387 - Director
Cheeseburger 4674 - Member



*Elitism is a huge No.
*No build stealing.
*Maturity is a must.
*Macros are a no.
*Proper grammar is needed.
*Racism or prejudicing in anyway is a no.

Other Info
Jess you're the only member, why? Because i tend to enjoy working alone and in quiet, so that should answer the member thing. Why would you join KoD? Well they're isn't a huge reason, but don't expect to be at par with any of the huge USSR clans.

Means of Communications? MSN will be a huge factor or any EMAIL, we will be sharing thoughts etc, and expect a email once a week or even twice a week. Communication is the KEY.

When's the server up!!!? Whenever i host, as of now we have no dedicated server sorry.

All other questions etc go here, applications in gallery.
« Last Edit: June 26, 2008, 12:04:19 AM by Jess »

I like how the first title is What the hell is KoD, lol

Building for the people? This is actually an interesting idea. If done right, it should round out the types of servers and builds availble to us rather than just space rpg, freebuild, townbuild, town rpg, space town, or DM in a space town freebuild rpg.

Generally what i'm aiming for is what people want..

I mean look at it this way, anytime you see a zombie server IT'S FULL.

Which means people love zombie type stuff, so what i've been working no is a lab that is dead dark with a few lights and you start off in the lab go through everything to the end while zombies chase you from behind.

Problem is the zombies kinda plow through everything so i had to scrap that idea and move onto a defence type thing.

The current project which has already begun is a huge massive indoor carnival..

As of right now i don't think all rides or event obstacles will be playable but it should be a nice build :)

congradulation you have not be oopah'd yet.

The idea of the clan and the set up of the first post is enough for it not to be fail. I shall keep a close watch on this clan.

finally, a new clan that dosent fail right when its started

I like this clan. This is the first time I've
actually considered joining a clan besides MotE.

Ah, for the "People",
i really hope it takes off.

"What the hell is KoD?"
I lol'd.

Alright, as of right now i'm preparing a dedicated server, or organising one as so.

Before thats up i'm trying to well... atleast get 50% done on the theme park so it can be the dedicated server.

As of right now it's just cheeseburger and i.

So please feel free to apply this is a community clan and we need decent enough members!

my id 4679

Burger you just, just applied for Eotb and you're in OC. How are you handling 3 clans, i'm about to give you the boot.

This actually looks like an interesting clan, i was thinking of joining one, (my name is really Bri2.0 is BL, my ID is in the 3000's area). and i have a decent CTF build. I think i might join, if of course, that is ok... Also, do you have clan tags? I'm guessing its KoD, right? lol. Gah, just read through it again, sorry!