Author Topic: Post jokes!  (Read 3814 times)

ITT: Terrible jokes.

What's green and has wheels?
Grass. I was just kidding about the wheels.

Why did the cat fall out of the tree?
Because it was dead.


Not really a joke, But it is a little funny..

Jumping on the motorway
Car coming the other way

If you actually say it it's funny :D

There's this kid who was in our school and his nickname was Iceman. His little theme was...

Running down the motorway,
Cooker go the other way

Lol  :cookieMonster:

i made up idk if its funny

what do you get when you croos cookies and scat?



i made up idk if its funny

what do you get when you croos cookies and scat?


If there is a spectrum for how funny things are, that would be as conceivably far away from "funny" as possible.

im not good w/ jokes and why do you hate me?

I do not hate people. I just find it hard to enjoy the presence of one who has virtually no (good) sense of humor and would whine and go into an fit that would make an emo kid roll their eyes after someone so much as looks at them the wrong way.

A String Walks into a bar

Bartender: I don't serve Strings.
String: Why not?
Bartender: I don't know but just leave please.
*String walks out of the bar
The String ties his top string part into 2 ways
*String walks in the bar
Bartender: Aren't you the same string that walked in a few minutes ago?
String: I'm a Fraid-knot.

 :cookieMonster: For those who understand

Where do pigs learn magic?


A man walks into a bar.
Five minutes later he wakes up.

A Kid that just starts his First stage of puberty goes up to his freinds and says "Hey I think I have my first pubic hair!" So later that day He had to use the bathroom. He goes to the toilet, Drops his pants and goes. He looks down and notices something strange He says "I thought I hd my first pubic hair!. Until I pissed out of it!" Yes My perverted freind made this up.


A man goes into a bar where he know the bartender. As he sits down, he orders a beer. Soon, the bartender brings the beer and asks "Why didn't you ask for taquilla? you always ask for it" the man replies "Na, whenever i drink that stuff i blow chunks", the bartender says: "oh, thats normal, everyone blows chunks", soon, the man replies: "No, you don't understand, Chunks is my dog"

The pope was riding in his black armored SUV trying to get to the airport to catch a plane. Halfway there, they hit a massive traffic jam. Soon, the pope jumps out and finds a empty taxi with a driver. He gets in yelling "Get me to the airport as fast as possible". So the taxi driver begins to drive around traffic getting to the airport but still not fast enough. Soon the pope says "Can't you drive any faster?", the cab driver says "Im driving as fast as i can!" pope says "I bet i can drive faster then you!" The cab driver says "If thats so, why don't you drive?" so they switch places and soon, the pope is driving but double the speed of the cab driver. Before they get to the airport, a cop stops them. Soon the cop gets out looks through the window of the driver and sees the pope, surprised, he runs back to his car and radios the captain "Captain Captain! i think i stop a important person, what do i do?" The captain asks "What important person? is he the president?", "No captain", "The King of England?" "No Captain", "Who?", "It must be a very important person because the pope is the driver!"
« Last Edit: July 08, 2008, 09:50:00 PM by Shocklink »

What is the last thing a Tickle me Elmo doll gets at the end of the assembly line?

Two testicles.