Author Topic: Dating servers? o_o  (Read 3026 times)

See, this is why you won't get laid. There are 5 girls ready for anything I assume, and you decide to go and make water emitters.

Lol Ephi ftw, Also did you mention they had on orange shirts because that resembles hooters?

Dating on BlockLand? What a waste of time. You might as well go destroy some kids build in roblox, it would give you greater satisfaction than watching two fully tan blockheads bouncing on eachother while spamming the white spray can saying this like "MMmph", "ERH! HAR IT CUMZ LOL CUM".


This :panda: is more amusing.

*stares at panda for the next 17 minutes*

I so agree. But still, the only reason I downloaded Roblox was to get a certin satisfaction from destroying 6-12 year olds "builds". It is very satisfying.

It's your turn in the Gloreh Hoal, Ephi! :D

I wish I still had the photos from some guys 21st birthday thread.
His brother got him a hooker so he had her give him a lewinsky... while he continued to play WoW.
Many laughs were had at his expense.
I also cried a little. And not because of the laughing.

He's like me. :( "Why have love when I can play videogames and get some real achievements!?"

I wouldn't consider playing WoW a real achievement.  I'd consider it a real waste of time.

i love how many games these days (mostly MMO's) give tons of warnings to not play so much.
in most of their opening agreements, they say to not ruin your friendships and schooling and jobs.

and they wouldn't have to say these things, cept that apparently losers all over the world are doing it.

I wouldn't consider playing WoW a real achievement.  I'd consider it a real waste of time.
No, I personally think that I should have got a Steam achievement when I made fifteen people ragequit on a sixteen person server though. Without even hacking. Lucky shots are always funnier anyway :cookieMonster:

It Blockland not

It Blockland not

Funny how you know the gays site for E-harmony.

It Blockland

And me cave-man.
You be cave-man? I also being cave-man. Us both cave-mans.