Author Topic: Clan [USSR]  (Read 112592 times)

this is gettin weird....
Ur a dush! Guess what im blacklisting the whole USSR Clan.
i dont think he actually cares

Ur a dush! Guess what im blacklisting the whole USSR Clan.
It was Kaphix who ruined it for everyone. maybe in time i will allow BH back to ussr servers, but not untill Kaphix/sephoroth is gone for good. he crossed a line.

Earlyer today Kaphix said he wasnt even in BH anymore cause it was dead. He rejoined MOTE. So yell at them lol.

Anyways.... I just wanna make peace with you guys..... Cause I was thinking of joining USSR since BH is gone. But if all this keeps happening then i dont know.

Earlyer today Kaphix said he wasnt even in BH anymore cause it was dead. He rejoined MOTE. So yell at them lol.
I am banning anyone who was involved with the fake servers and fake requitments. And I thought MotE was a good clan.... I guess I was wrong....
I need people to clarify this for me. I need to chat leaders of MotE, BH and IM
« Last Edit: August 01, 2006, 12:33:30 AM by Facechild »

Well if kaphix did it, its out of my hands. But dont blame the whole clan. Just blame Kaphix :P.

kaphix also said that more BH members participated!....

Hey now. He said more PEOPLE participated..Not just BH please read before posting.

Well I'm having trouble with the new forums. Everytime i press anything on the forums it signs me out meaning i cant post at all. I am reading it though. Any one else having this problem?

What can you possibly do to overpower them? Kill them in their sleep? I've never heard of clans actually trying to eliminate each other. I am rooting for USSR, big time.

So I treat people like shit, eh? Maybe you'd like to provide an example?

Well I'm having trouble with the new forums. Everytime i press anything on the forums it signs me out meaning i cant post at all. I am reading it though. Any one else having this problem?
same deal for me

Well, good luck taking over BL Facechild and that USSR prevails and defeats all. /sarcasm

Some chats were had and there was plety of ale to go around. we came across a neutral stand of sort of. But this stupid raid is off.

Although i have not posted on here earlier with the interesting conversation. It really doesn't matter to ppl to even try for ussr anymore. Most of the ppl you selected to be in ussr are not that great of builders and i have seen better. The little impersonations were actually done by about 30 or around 26,28 but my point is you guys aren't even close to being better then anyone else. Also banning the everyone in BH is a very stupid and noobish way to solve this situation. I have also notice that the recent USSR server mostly has noobs in it. It also has some of ther worst builds i have ever seen. Not to mention spam. The idea of this situation was more like a operation kick out ussr and take it over. Seeing how you guys arent on to do much about it. Everyone feels you guys are in a disappearing clan. Meaning that sometime soon the ppl involved will use the ussr tag more and more to piss ppl off. One person i heard that they are banning any ussr member that joins their server thnx to what happened. In all of this i made a mistake. A mistake of ever trying to join ussr. As i can see this isnt the first time i have heard this. I could list ppl but that might give you a clue behind who was in on this prank.