Haha, wow, I've never heard that pronunciation of my name before. :\ If you don't like what I have to say, then don't read it. Since when am I not allowed to have an opinion? I'm not stopping you from having yours. Great job to make this personal. I just gave my prediction, and obviously you can't even keep under control in this thread, what makes you think you can do it in a wiki?
That being said, I actually really hope that the Wiki works out for everyone in Blockland. It's very nice of BJ to put in all the time to set this up for everyone to use, just like with the upload service. People that use his services should really thank him and perhaps even heed his call for donations, since all this webspace can't be cheap. BJ, I wish you the best of luck with this wiki, really.
EDIT: I want to add that I'm sorry if I upset anyone here, it wasn't my intention.