Author Topic: My b-day and my 1337th post.  (Read 1203 times)

Chrono is now 18. Yay :D

Also, post # 1337.


I was about to join until i saw Fun Teen's server. sorreh. :cookieMonster:

Get her to join mah server too!

Hwappy Bwirthdway.


Wait, you're e..aahahhaahhaaha

e..aahahhaahhaaha meaning what?

My b-day present collection:

Happy birthday! My present is this weird ass loving picture I generated on that site from the other topic.
2 bans:
Fooly's Free Build from Slick, just because he doesn't like me.
NiXiLLs what else? from Ministry, because I was simply making jokes.

More to come shortly, some problems happened and everyone happens to be broke.
My oldest sister was supposed to come today, but she seemed to fail at doing so.
My other older sister, and my older brother wont have money till tomorrow.
My mother and my step father are paying towards a camping trip.
I should be recieving a gift from a friend shortly, she was doing a drawing for a character I had thought up.

My b-day present collection:
NiXiLLs what else? from Ministry, because I was simply making jokes.
Ministry is extremely abusive as admin in the fact that he bans for barely a reason, a simple joke. He'll hold grudges about these, too. He'll ban without permission for small things you do if you come to a server where he is admin. But at least he doesn't ban on sight if he's admin like he used to.

I remember 2 weeks ago I went to Nix's server and he was super. I say "Ministry of Magic" and he perma bans me -_-