Author Topic: Blockland For Canada And United State?  (Read 3128 times)

If you can't figure out who it's aimed at then you might too, be handicapped.

Whatever, you insult me all the time, anyway. :D

In Canada, all our post men pre read our mail to check for spelling mistakes, but you can't blame us when one unruly post man takes cash from a birthday card.. That's why we use titanium envelopes now

In Canada, all our post men pre read our mail to check for spelling mistakes, but you can't blame us when one unruly post man takes cash from a birthday card.. That's why we use titanium envelopes now


no im handicapped your right sry...what was i thinking.......

Im from canada isnt canadian money now worth more then us?

Im from canada isnt canadian money now worth more then us?

Read the first page...

At one point it was like CAD>USD but it did not last long.

well i pay $26 for the game in singapore dollars

I forgot how much i payed :D

I just let badspot take whatever he wants from my card..Not £100 though please. :D

send badspot a birthday card with money in it :D

paypal converts for you. so your multicolored Canadian monopoly money is just as good

is canada in anyway simalar to how it is portrayed in the popular though fulgar show southpark?

oh yes. i been there once. its just as south park said.

There is only one road in Canada, that is fact

Do they have flappy heads like in south park?
« Last Edit: August 21, 2008, 08:18:17 AM by tails »

Do they have flappy heads like in south park?


In Australia we have boats and travel the world to beat people up too.