Author Topic: mega spam  (Read 7382 times)

i left my server to go eat and look at wat happend
i cought the people and they were blockdudes.
« Last Edit: January 23, 2006, 12:56:20 AM by Zero »

most spam is by noobs, other is by idiots who think they are somehow getting back at you by spamming.

oh ya and look wat i found under water
i crossed out the scary words
« Last Edit: January 23, 2006, 01:05:13 AM by Zero »

oh ya and look wat i found under water
i crossed out the scary words
what a rude person :(
« Last Edit: April 13, 2012, 11:20:11 PM by Masterlegodude »

if i find out who did this they are going down so hard they disintegrate on impact.

Its an old picture, back from when the delayed random color spam script was at its prime.

The PTTA server was spammed the other day, for insulting bricks, why don't you just turn off the brick messages?

This stuff has to stop, whoever is doing this step forward right now.

*slim shady stands up*

No, this is pointless. This will never be settled, i think that people should be able to lock anything, from brick messages, to building limits. Maybe set it 5 blocks for people who just joined or something and they get a  block every sec., this is just bullstuff, coming into someone's server and just putting profanity for no reason. Pure bullstuff, bullstuff, bullstuff bullstuff.

i agree, but there is no way to make a dedicated server spam'less. it will happen ether by noobs, bored people or rivals who think they are getting back at you or just dont like you.
spamming is stupid, but meh, what are you going to do about it. you can ban them.

You could ban them, but if they leave before you see them or realize it, then they could come back under a different name and do it again, again and again. I think blocklanders should stop being so childish and stop spamming for no reason.

Yes, but you can't ban someone that has already left before you seen them or realized that they did it.

make a max brick per second limit

right! sorry, diddn't totally read that through. but whatever, there will be idiots on the internet forever, there is nothing you can do about it....
the only thing that i can think of is some way to ban someone from blockland it's self. but... i know nothing about programming or if that is possible.

I think PTTA servers have a max brick per second thingy thx to a modified form of astro's anti-spam script but all it does is warn everyone on the server of possible brick spam.