Author Topic: Named Glass Button Avatars.  (Read 9167 times)

a dark blue one with some black one the edges that is like Lil Robots that says: </3 Vista Security

I'll get to work in the morning :D

No "Dis bitch is mine" D:. Fine my avitar is better

oro want blue and light blue 'Oromis'

XaMMaX211 green and gold


XaM same colors

Would you like it to have black writing or red writing?


No "Dis bitch is mine" D:. Fine my avitar is better
See below.
I didn't do the "This is mine Bitch" one or whatever, cause it is stupid.

The rest I will do in my lunch break, in about an hour.

Make me 1 plz... black and purple but instead of John0515 do {Mellon Man Jr}

Here they are (A-Z):


{Mellon Man Jr}





</3 Vista Security:

The {Mellon Man Jr} and the XaMMaX211 ones had small writing so are hard to read, same with, but not as bad on the </3 Vista Security one.

Looks great, thanks. :D

Theese are nice, but I find it a bit ironic that you're makeing all theese avatars for people yet you don't use one yourself :/

i would use this as my Avatar, But i dunno if i want to lose my current avatar.

Should i keep it or use one of ethens?

BTW: can you make one like CC's for another forum?

Theese are nice, but I find it a bit ironic that you're makeing all theese avatars for people yet you don't use one yourself :/

I did for a while, but a couple of weeks ago, I decided to make a animated name symbol.



i would use this as my Avatar, But i dunno if i want to lose my current avatar.

Should i keep it or use one of ethens?

BTW: can you make one like CC's for another forum?

It's up to you.

Yes, you mean make one for you to use on a different website?