Author Topic: Have you been playing scense blocklandv0002?  (Read 2955 times)

Just want to see if there is any people I remember from the old blockland.

Yes. I have. from v0002 to retail v9 :D
« Last Edit: August 13, 2008, 10:38:29 PM by SpacePirate »

nope.  I have been playing since june of last year but I don't know what version that was.  Anyone help me here?

Yes i remember that old decal virus haha , those were the days..

I've played Blockland0002, the horrors that game had... My poor builds D:

I then played RTB 1.03, then RTB 1.04 to RTB 1.045, then i got Blockland's demo, then i bought it, and here i am today with Blockland v9

wait,anyone remember who made bl mods 1.6 and stuff , those were awesome.

Yup, a week-ish before it was on TSS then I went on the BLM aio aior aior2 path :D

yesh, i have, with Carma69

Yes, I played a little during the screen savers days, tried again but couldn't due to computer problems, then played RTB 1.45, then bought retail, played the demo, then played the whole game. (yes, I did it in that order)

Yes i remember that old decal virus haha , those were the days..
I remember that too.  I was just playing, then I noticed, what the heck what that on the person's chest, it should be that little triangle, but no.  All I really remember about it was that it had the American flag on it, showed a little patriotism.

yah i miss lagging at 3000 bricks. ; ;

Played from around RTB 1.04 or something.


I've played since vanilla but I stopped playing for a while until RTB 1.045 barely started.

My brother found Vanilla, then I started playing, quit for a few years, came back and found RTB. THEN I got a new computer and lost my saves in RTB, which made me want to switch to Retail and here I am. :D