Author Topic: Blockland v9  (Read 4881 times)

I have noticed that blockland v9 crashes more than v8 and i hope it is fixed soon!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!please i dont like when this happens it happens like everyone 20 mins if you have alot of events

i hope its fixed soon toooo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1

I haven't had one crash in v9 since I installed it. You must be breaking something.

We need the auto saver back. D:

We need the auto saver back. D:
...We're talking about crashes.

But anyway, I haven't had any problems so far, It's locked up on me twice, but that seemed to be system wide, so I'm not going to point any fingers.

it does crash? i using demo maybe thats why i dont experience any crashs

I haven't had one crash in v9 since I installed it. You must be breaking something.
You haven't noticed a bunch of servers crashing at random, at least the first 2 days of v9?

I play full Blockland and it doesn't crash.

Whenever I host an internet server, it crashes. No events.

Mind you, it's dead for whatever reason so I mainly play single player/LAN.

I distinctly remember server host's Blocklands crashing at random the first 2 days of v9. And the crashes were on server's of people who actually know how to install things.

I still crash now and again.

snots always seems to crash whenever i on it :P

I NEED a fix badly.

These are all the ways my challenge crashes

*when someone is bigger than 1x1x1

*Somepeeps kill the servers just by joining

*Every 15-20 minutes



You all must have corrupt add-ons, I've had my BL running for like 17 hours straight no problems.

I distinctly remember server host's Blocklands crashing at random the first 2 days of v9. And the crashes were on server's of people who actually know how to install things.

Again, I didn't crash. Then again, I don't get viruses or spyware without protection.

My Vista blue screens after an hour or two of Blockland. It's probably my own damn fault seeing it's usually an IRQ error though.