Author Topic: The Future  (Read 3754 times)

I kinda get a "high" from listening to music. I think, A lot.

City of the future. It'll be full of skyscrapers (oh course). They'll be underground high speed transportation systems (tunnels depleted of air, along with magnetic tracks provide a frictionless environment. thus you only need to add an increase of speed, provided by the electromagnetism in the rails, or cars.) then elevators shafts (also depleted of air and moved by magnets) will allow vertical transport easily. Large farm towers will provide the earth's food. Implants will allows "bluetooth headsets" to be in you at all times, via vibrating teeth inserted into thy mouth and directional microphones in your..nose? Space travel will become the norm, however travel to other planets will not be used by all, in fact a very few will use it, as it will take months to travel. However, HD 3D images of people (Not instant, nay, far from instant, do to the speed of light) will allow you to communicate to others.

We will alter our gens. Why not? Make us immune to deceases, increase our muscles (both of these are completely possible), and, here's the amazing part, insert a computer into the brain. this will be very far, but a little...object in the brain that allows it to connect it to a planet wide information network (AKA the internet) gathering information. It will help you. We will also have an alteration of our eyes to accept images, and to record images. They will also adjust to differences in light more. Our watches will be built into our arm. In fact, this should happen in about 25 years, some people already have them (kinda). Also keypads will be there also (already made, FTW :D). Babies will be born in little synthetic sacs, to stop the wasted time of pregnancy. also, we will get %100 of the nutrians out of our food, not our current %60 or something like that.

I am very excited about the future. Quantum computers, WiTricity, and OLED.

Please read if you wish to respond, no TL;DR please. Going back to reading physOrg.

All of that already exists :D
Holograms are possible right NOW too :3 (Since 2005...)

and best buy will still only sell the stuffty universal remotes :(

...inserted into thy mouth...

Talking like Shakespeare wont make this make any more sense.

Talking like Shakespeare wont make this make any more sense.


I believe they're developing a "speech" system for people who have damaged their vocal cords to pick up signals from the brain and convert it to text - a signal is sent when you directly "think" about saying something. An implant could probably pick up other signals and images in the brain and allow for a sort of "telepathy" between people. There'd probably be scandals about "THE GOVERNMENT IS READING YOUR MIND" though. Which hopefully won't be true. No need for vibrating teeth.

Space travel will probably be in the form of a space elevator - almost free, where a "going up" load is propelled by material taken down from space, such as the mining of asteroids for valuable metals.

What would probably be possible is a government-provided "health pill" which provides the complete amount of vitamins, nutrients, etc. for humans (even specially tailored to you?) and then people could eat whatever they like after that with foods with no positive or negative health benefits whatsoever, just the taste.

Possibly cameras or specially-built electronic lenses in your eyes would be able to pick up light, x-rays, IR or anything else and turn it into the same sort of signals+vision you'd get normally - think "view x ray" and get the world in x-ray vision.

I imagine it would be possible to surgically increase someone's lifespan by increasing the time their cells take before dying - this usually increases the risk of cancer (with current tests), but an "optimum" could probably be found which increase our life by 20-30 years.

We need fusion power.


Read for your heath:

However, vibrating teeth is a simple solution that doesn't need surgery, just tooth removal, and a little switch.

DX 14 > Holograms

Playing crysis with a motion suit thing so you are pretty much in the game > love

DX 14 > Holograms

Playing crysis with a motion suit thing so you are pretty much in the game > love


with that tech, you can HAVE love with your enemies


with that tech, you can HAVE love with your enemies

talk about game mods...

Tooth removal is a sort of surgery :cookieMonster:

That thing looks nice, as long as it still works with metal/magnets/etc. between the source and the target.

Also, you can't have "future" solar sails and interstellar war with giant lasers.

lol would be one of them hosted games you join, and your not all aware of what mods are being used.

all of a sudden your being raped by gordan. you cant fight back, he just wants to save the world and repopulate.

What I expect future to be like:

Cities have big scyscraper(this is both popular and obvious),and cars hover in mid-air and move in metallic,electrified roads where they get their power from.Most of cities have atleast one Air tower,which cleans polluted air caused by few factories still in planet Earth.Most of them are moved to other planets with small atmosphere or no atmosphere at all.Roads are elevated 100 metres up from the ground,and those which still stand on ground,are walking roads.
There is also flying public transportation ships,cargo ships,maintenance and military ships.Monorails are very common in most of cities.Life expectancy for people is 130+ years.Modern medical science can cure almost every disease,including all cancers.
Buildings usually have hanging gardens at their sides.At the night,biggest cities can be seen as big yellow dots in Earth,and several smaller dots stand close to bigger.
Iraq is only a smoking,radioctive hole in ground,and Russia his split up to 14 smaller goverments with most in war with each other.
Biggest asteroids are being mined for minerals,and some serve as space parks.Some even have small cities in them complete with enormous glass bubble,which has a giant airlock at its side.

My vision of 150 years from this day.Too bad I doubt I will see if I was right.

Not instant, nay, far from instant, do to the speed of light) will allow you to communicate to others.

We can already move radio waves faster than the speed of light, and the technology is undergoing further development.

The future is uncertain, and we can only find out by waiting.