Author Topic: HellMOO Online Fallout type MUD  (Read 2508 times)

Oh man this game is so awesome

Fight crackbabies as they exclaim "stuff!", rape/love other players roughly/tenderly, eat/drink/piss, become a vampire and screw other users over (DON"T WALK OUT DURING DAYLIGHT), and other awesome things.

Ok, this game, Hellmoo, is an online MUD game, very fun. If you want to try it out the website is I think the site is still down but if you google: SimpleMU and download that, you can connect to the game by joining "" using port 7777. If you have any questions post here or one you make a character type in "page Shaddy [chat goes here without brackets]" and I'll come and give you supplies and help you and such.

Ok so when you first start out it's confusing, you have like 5 minutes before a nuke hits the city, don't worry it's only a dream, but the actions/items you take in this dream affects your characters stats when you get out of the dream and into the real game. That's right, this dream is a character builder, if you will.

Ok so in this dream, you have 5 minutes to get what you need and find the baseball stadium and go down by typing "d" or "down" once in the stadium.

HOW TO CREATE A CHARACTER: type out "request [character name] [email]" and soon you'll get an email with a temp password you can use to sign in.

If you get into trouble in the dream, don't panic, if the nuke hits the dream restarts, page me if you're stuck in the dream.


BTW to chat type "chatnet on" then "chat [text]"

Edit: You will not be able to see chat without chatnet on.

EditEdit: I found a robe and wizard hat :o
« Last Edit: September 02, 2008, 04:53:43 PM by GingerJoe »

This MUD sucks. GTFO

Oh mister big and bad, how about you loving play it for more than 5 minutes you loving starfish.

Now I remember why I stopped coming here

Anyone speak handicap?

Anyone speak handicap?

Is this a joke, or in game? I can get somebody to heal your braindamage.


Also if anyone made a character, post your name here so you can program my appartment door to let you come in and you can room with me.

Sounds interesting, Screen shots plzkthx

Sounds interesting, Screen shots plzkthx
Screenshots of a MUD? Really guys, I know some of you (I do) hate text game, but this is really awesome. If you need help look in the first post to see how to page me

Bump. I'm still hooked on this game