Author Topic: Swholli presents: Niko Bellic  (Read 10199 times)

Shirt is win. I like the face discoutnign it looks out-of-shape. I respect you for your great effort since you made it from scratch. 7/10.

I love this. Great work.

Pingpeppy Fondness: 100%

I love this. Great work.

Pingpeppy Fondness: 100%
The forget?
Offtopic: The forget is up with your avatar?

Bump for epicness and my lack of being here.

I like. I don't want more blocko!

Maybe a little bit less detail, but this is epic every sense of the word.

Ew. My face. My face is a horrible disgusting retched choice of skin. A face only a mother would hurl at. In fact it's so gross I can't stand the sight of it, so I go and make fun of other people's hard worked art. Sure I may not understand it like the starfishs who go to collections and "buy it in good taste" when in reality they couldn't tell you art from a pile of stuff. In fact (again) I don't even care that the artist took time to do this for people, instead I'm going to make a negative comment and be on with my happy day thinking it was really me who made the contribution to society. Oh the ignorance of me! How I wish I could draw! OH WHY AM I SO UNLOVED?

the face looks nothing like niko though!

i have gta IV, and i love it, im glad people want to bring it into blockland.
but the face..
its just soo unappealing.

the torso IS great though. so a cookie for that  :cookie:
i think what the face is supposed to be from is like, one of the concept art, like in the previous ones...
so in a nutshell, its not his fault