Author Topic: Print Bricks 4x4 8x8  (Read 1109 times)

Why not have bigger print brick plates? We could cover more area with a blank print or even a huge tile print using less bricks.

 I agree, it would be rather helpful, but in a way not huge. We don't want to see every pixel one by one on a print plate/brick.

What do you mean Hunter?

Oh right I understand.
Well I'm sure 4x4 8x8 wouldn't be too bad.
The title to this topic is one of the most OBVIOUS DESCIPTIONS I've ever seen.

Yeah it'd be nice to have some bigger prints. I'd also like a 1x2x2.

Oh sorry, I didn't mean to type in the default color everybody else unhandicapped commonly uses.

I still am wondering why Badspot didn't include more print bricks.

Print bricks should have been an checkable option for all bricks and being able to decide which side it showed up on.

Then you haven't seen much...
How does "Print Bricks 4x4 8x8" NOT describe this topic?

How does "Print Bricks 4x4 8x8" NOT describe this topic?
He's trying to look cool ,by reporting every topic, he thinks he knows all the rules and is better than us by using blue text.Stop with the loving blue text you bum.

How does "Print Bricks 4x4 8x8" NOT describe this topic?

Lol, if the topic was about Frosted Flakes, then it would not discribe it, but Dont worry, Mr. BLue Text is a handicapped 5 year old with abusive parents that force him to smoke meth every day and he is color blind, thinking blue is black and black is blue.