Author Topic: Some bitch wrecked my bike  (Read 7475 times)

I was walking my bike home from school with my friend and out of no where this stupid seventh grader comes flying by yelling, "YOU HAVE A BIKE, YOU HAVE TO PLAY TO!". Then he smashes right into my back tire and bends the rim like crazy. It looks like a car hit the back tire. Anyways, being nice like I am, I just walk it home and say nothing to the idiotic kid. The next day, I'm trying to ride my bike to school but the rim is hitting the brake pad all the time. So, I run to school and make it in the nick of time. The worst thing of all is that the bike is brand new and already wrecked. Now I have to spend money fixing the bike and I probably won't be able to get the new computer I've been wanting.


Pics or it didn't happen.

Don't ride a bike. I would have gotten pissed and told him to give me a number to his parents, and make their asses pay for what their kid did.

Did she look like a bitch?

Pew pew pew.
I was shot once, and you forgot to ask again ):

Pulp Fiction.
Oh really, I did not know that
Jules: Does he look like a bitch?
Brett: What?

I would have ran up to the kid, pushed him off his bike, held him there and called the cops.

I would have ran up to the kid, pushed him off his bike, held him there and called the cops.


The  reasonable thing to do would be to follow the kid home and explain the situation to his parents. If they are at all decent they will give you some money to either repair or replace the bike. At worst they can say "no" and you won't feel like an idiot for not at least trying.

I would egg their house if they said no... their kid, their responsibility.

I would egg their house if they said no... their kid, their responsibility.

Why not at least be "equal" about it. No need to egg their house, just smash up his bike a bit, and for irony repeat his statement.

I suppose, it's easier to egg someone's house then break their bike. Most people leave them inside, unless you have a lot of time on your hands and are into stalking people then go ahead and break the kids bike.