Author Topic: OnPlayerNotTouch  (Read 4690 times)

Good for certain purposes.

Theres this thing,its called firerelay.

What does cancel events do anyway?

This would create lag and abuse. I could easily let 500 rocks go off per minute with out someone touching the brick.
And another thing. It wouldn't create lag

Just needs a simple edit in the already existent playertouch check so that if returned false, it would trigger an input event.

I had this idea too.

I think what he means is not when a brick isn't touched, it's when a brick is left.

So it's like when OnPlayerTouch stops being called.
That was originally the plan, yes.

OnPlayerNotTouch > Player > Kill

Game Over Abuse

OnPlayerNotTouch > Player > Kill

Game Over Abuse

I dont mean like, when someone is not touching the brick do the event, i mean like what sirrus said, on player leave the brick

I had this idea too.

I think what he means is not when a brick isn't touched, it's when a brick is left.

So it's like when OnPlayerTouch stops being called.

^!! OnPlayerNoLongerTouchingTheBr ickHeIsCurrentlyOn Event..

cancelEvents cancels all 'delayed' events currently scheduled for the brick.

[0: enabled, delay=0] onPlayerTouch -> Events on first touch
[1: enabled, delay=0] onPlayerTouch -> Self -> setEventEnabled -> [0, disabled] change 0 if you have more than one onPlayerFirstTouch event
[2: enabled, delay=0] onPlayerTouch -> Events while touching
[3: enabled, delay=0] onPlayerTouch -> Self -> cancelEvents
[4: enabled, delay=400] onPlayerTouch -> Events on stop touching
[5: enabled, delay=400] onPlayerTouch -> Self -> setEventEnabled -> [0, enabled] change 0 if you have more than one onPlayerFirstTouch event