Author Topic: Song Requests?  (Read 3051 times)

I'm taking song requests.

Try to choose a majority of Heavy Metal, 80's Rock.

tenacious d, songs master exploder,tribute,the metal,plz plz

tenacious d, songs master exploder,tribute,the metal,plz plz
WTF!? what is your avatar D:}

i really don't know :/ he he

ok good songs.
so far ill do
the metal and TNT.

btw i know the metal on the guitar XD

I have a song that you can loop for me, but it is from a video game X.X

Name: Paper Mario Battle Theme

Time: 0:03 to 0:31

Youtube video of music:

ok good songs.
so far ill do
the metal and TNT.

btw i know the metal on the guitar XD
thnx, i'll check back for it ;)

Trivium any(or lots) of their songs plzkthanksbyenoaw.

Asche zu asche
Du hast techo remix

All by Rammstein.

lol sorry but i'm not going to upload that song.

1. "I Don't Want To Set The World On Fire"   The Ink Spots

2. "Way Back Home"   Bob Crosby

3. "Butcher Pete (Part 1)"   Roy Brown

4. "Fallout 3 Main title"   Inon Zur

5. "Megaton"   Inon Zur

I need these for a Fallout 3 project...
« Last Edit: November 11, 2008, 07:48:16 AM by Ocelot »

The "Beyond the Sea" song.

The song in this Bioshock Trailer.

Hey Jeffer, me and lopeyhawkeye have been here since the beginning of this entire thing... you even confirmed that you would do our songs...
ok good songs.
so far ill do
the metal and TNT.

btw i know the metal on the guitar XD
So what gives? It shouldn't take this long!

« Last Edit: November 18, 2008, 07:36:59 PM by Phantom »