Author Topic: Re-appear  (Read 795 times)

Simply enough, in order to make something "Re-appear" we have to program collision, raycasting, and rendering. The point of this add-on is so we can do all three for just a small time, which is impossible currently.

Example of how this add-on would work:

On brick with the whole deal turned off, I.E. Collison, raycasting, rendering
On the re-appear, they would all turn on, for whatever time you set, then they would once again turn off the whole deal, making it Disappeared.

This could be used for many things. A good example is it could be used for sealing an entrance. You can make a hole then place a brick in front of it, then if someone collides with the brick, the door would re-appear for 1 second, therefore, as long as you were on the button, the entrance would be sealed, and you'd have to go in another way, I.E. A Hoverboard.

I love the idea! I always hate doing all 3 (or even 2) at a time.

disappear -> 0 makes the brick reappear if you've used the disappear event beforehand. (disappear -> -1 is permenant disappear, but it can be used to stop 'timed' disappearances as well)

oh wow its so obvious  <3
Dissapear > 0

disappear -> 0 makes the brick reappear if you've used the disappear event beforehand. (disappear -> -1 is permenant disappear, but it can be used to stop 'timed' disappearances as well)

That should really be posted somewhere...

Thanks Space.

somehow i thought of the dissapear for 0 by myself, because it's just plain logical... and then i had to figure out from the forums the -1 =)

After testing space's method, i want to bring this up again, I want something that after re-appearing, disappears again.