Author Topic: -=Special Forces-slimming down=-  (Read 16495 times)

just curious can ussr and sf do some cool clan stuff like they build a dm arena we sponser a dm event

We used to have building then DMing competitions with BH from my memory so I suppose that could be arranged. Ask Facechild or Diggy.

We used to have building then DMing competitions with BH from my memory so I suppose that could be arranged. Ask Facechild or Diggy.

We'll have to check that out, sounds cool :cookieMonster:

There are now member rank updates

We might build you a cool DM in return for a set of those shiny weapons. :0

dude iwas just beataing its the stuff

Oh noes there are two SF clans now......the other one is in AoT...stands for Strategic Formation.

Special Forces was before Strategic Formation. I've known it forever. Plo's been around awhile. (Or maybe it was a different SF)

nope, Ive been arround a while, so has the clan

Hey id love to join i like to kill people on block land alot.and now i found a good clan with a cool will you let me join.

Hey id love to join i like to kill people on block land alot.and now i found a good clan with a cool will you let me join.

Sure, but in order to join, I must see how well you fight, so Instant message me when you want to duke it out (I'm always on pretty much)

ill be on tommorow

uh plo my name isn't drak dragon any more its terdai    lol

more like tardai AMIRITE LOL?