Author Topic: Mushroom explosion  (Read 1660 times)

you know when there is a huge explosion a mushroom looking cloud appears
can someone make an emitter for it?

that would cause heavy lag
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« Last Edit: December 23, 2008, 02:40:43 PM by Badspot »

Like a nuke and it would use to many particles <OMG A LAG BOMB>

Like a nuke and it would use to many particles <OMG A LAG BOMB>

You could use less particles, but bigger ones, but that would make it look worse.

the lag could be part of it's effect, like a lag nuke for admins to annoy people

No, then no one would want it.

the lag could be part of it's effect, like a lag nuke for admins to annoy people

I never want to go to your server now. Even if you didn't have a lag nuke.

I never want to go to your server now. Even if you didn't have a lag nuke.


  • Administrator
Completely possible, if done by someone who has a brain in their head.

I wish you friends would stop nay-saying everything just because you don't know how to do anything.

:O  Badspot posted in here!   Yay!

Muffinmix was doing this, not sure what happened to him.

that would be cool and if you think about muffins emitters it probally used a lot of particles like the large blue shield but then again i know nothing about making add-ons

Completely possible, if done by someone who has a brain in their head.

I wish you friends would stop nay-saying everything just because you don't know how to do anything.
Can Badspot go aginst the rules and flame? Ban Badspot! I know ima gonna get banned for this XD I <3 you Badspot