Author Topic: Brick Physics Preview  (Read 97574 times)

Outside of the minigame. You could set who you do and do not want to use physics.

That answers every question I had as well as any questions I was likely to come up with in the near future.

This means that if we had events that dropped leaves from a tree, they would pile up and people would be able to push them around. It's all client side but it would still be a pretty effect.

Physics are automatically disabled if they make the game run too slow. You can also toggle them off if you don't want them. You can also set how many physical bricks at a time you want (so that you don't overwhelm your computer).

Whenever a brick is fake-killed (for instance, when you shoot it with a rocket and it flies away or if you fire a fakekill event), it now uses real physics instead of falling through the world. The normal rules apply for determining when something can be fake-killed (ie do you trust the guy shooting).

Brick physics are only simulated client side, so you can't stand on physical bricks (although they are shoved around by players/vehicles and if one falls on your head it would bounce off). This also means that the server doesn't know anything about the brick physics, so you can't go totally rube goldberg and have, say, a falling brick trigger a switch or something. You can build neat stuff like the catapult, though.

What is the timeout on the physics bricks disappearing?  Or is there no timeout and the bricks only disappear when the limit is reached and a new one is created (FIFO, etc.)?

Darn, falling bricks killing players would be pwn. When PCs get ultra powerful, and if this game still exists,you should do detection of the bricks.

Can you build a tower, blow up the bottom, and have the rest come crashing down?

I guess not. Its still a major improvement! Perhaps collision with destroyed bricks will come later.

Darn, falling bricks killing players would be pwn. When PCs get ultra powerful, and if this game still exists,you should do detection of the bricks.

We can do this now. Only it would be useful only for nice comps.

If it did detect, I would make some kind of balancing game, where players balances across a beam and tried to knock each other off or something. Like a scale, with two blockheads.

dear god that is entrepreneur

SUGGESTION: Badspot, you could make the body parts of the player fall apart when they die! Seriously!

Can you build a tower, blow up the bottom, and have the rest come crashing down?

I guess not. Its still a major improvement! Perhaps collision with destroyed bricks will come later.
Wouldn't it kinda be the same kinda thing though?

This means that if we had events that dropped leaves from a tree, they would pile up and people would be able to push them around. It's all client side but it would still be a pretty effect.
Nice idea!

I can't wait to have bricks fall off the sides of poorly maintained apartment buildings when people walk by on the street. Bonus points if you hit them on the head.

Badspot, can you add physics for blown up players?  Like Newdeath, but only explosions and being clientside.

Or have a massive block of random bricks in the sky, and for an event to make them all fakeKill, so then a bunch of bricks fall on everybody. Causing vision disorientation.

Badspot, can you add physics for blown up players?  Like Newdeath, but only explosions and being clientside.

Already said that. ^

I can't wait to have bricks fall off the sides of poorly maintained apartment buildings when people walk by on the street. Bonus points if you hit them on the head.
+ 50 points if you get a homeless person.
+ 70 points if you get someone on a bicycle.

If you plastered a bunch of 1x1 plates over a base plate and fired artillery at it, you could mimic dirt being kicked up by exploding shells.