This happened on my friend's server when V11 came out, and it's more of a funny conversation. I can't remember it completely but it went like this.
Guy connected
Guy: ( . Y . )
Xia: Lol wtf?
host: WTF
host permenantly banned guy, reason: loving pervert!
host: lol he's IRCing me now.
Xia: Tell us the conversation lol.
host: okay. guy:"why did you ban me!!?!?"
host: Me: "Being annoying."
host: Guy: "UNBAN! D:"
host: me: "no."
host: guy: "why? :c"
host: me: "because."
host: guy: "UNBAN!!!!!"
Xia: lol. Tell him you're telling us what he is saying.
host: okay
host: me: "you realise im telling the whole server this conversation?"
host: guy: "really?"
host: me: "yes"
host: guy: "HAI PEOPLE!!!11!"